Chapter 23 The Decision

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I wanted to give a huge thank you to Fantasia Komix for handling this huge chapter and enhancing the scenes and emotions within this part of the story. I don't this chapter would have anywhere near as good if it wasn't for your help.

Also there are conversation between Ronde and his partner Thunder.

Humans speak, "Like this."

Dragon's speak, ("Like this")

Only Ronde can understand what the dragons are saying.

I want to say thank you for your patience. I have just been busy for the past 2 weeks trying to get everything organized in my life and trying to find a job in graphic design. It's been a little difficult but I found a few gigs and side jobs but they won't help my portfolio but I'm getting paid so I guess that's what matters. This is no guarantee but I will try to post two chapters next month or at the very least one because chapter 24 is complete and being worked on right now I'm still in the beginning stages of chapter 25 which I hope is short less or around 9000 words.

This chapter is over 19,000 words long not including this part or the author note at the bottom. But just for future reference this is your decision as the reader if you want me to if the chapter goes above 20,000 words I can split it up into two parts but that is up to you.

Please enjoy the chapter.


After showing Thunder around Berk, I wondered where the other Dragon Riders were. I did see the twins earlier, but...rage didn't even begin to describe how I felt when I saw them. I still can't believe they tricked me into eating dragon nip. But I'll find a way to get them back, just not today. As Thunder and I went by the village, we were able to see people and dragons walking around. I still can't believe that this tiny village can hold this many dragons and people in the same place.

Suddenly Thunder nudged me to get my attention. I almost fell down as a result, but she growls, ("I've seen enough, I'm not comfortable being around all these Two-Legs.")

These dragons are always calling humans either Scaleless or Two-Legs for some reason. I never ask why, they call it as they see it. But she's not used to being around others. From what I've learned throughout my journey Skrills don't travel in packs. She had probably been alone for years, but I needed to know something. "Yeah, I agree, let's get something to eat. Follow me."

She followed me. I placed my hand on her snout. "Hey, do you mind if I ask you a question?"

She looked over at me with a very weird expression as if she didn't want to. ("You may.")

"I've never seen your kind of Kin before, but I've seen images and pictures of your Kin and all of them have spikes on their back and tails. You don't. Were you in a battle? Or were you like this before?"

She looked almost sad. ("When I hatched, my spikes never formed. My Sire and Dam were worried for me at first, but I proved that I was just as fully capable of doing what my kind has done for many cycles. It was difficult to fly, but I quickly adapted. My light was fine, but I have not seen my kind other than my siblings and my Sire and Dam in over twenty cycles.")

So I was right. It was a mutation, or maybe she is the first in her generation to evolve or adapt. Maybe there's some advantage from having smoother scales and not forming spikes for a Skrill. But she still looked sad, so I rubbed her cheek and said, "I'm sorry to hear that, but why do you want a mate that is not one of your kind?"

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