Chapter 18 A Story to Tell

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Things are subjective to change in the near future when it comes to this chapter. it may be rewritten or certain scenes will change. This chapter was not supposed to come out like this. It was supposed to be more edited and detail but it's been 2 months and I feel like I made you guys wait for too long. Here's the chapter, enjoy.


I just laid here on the grass right next to their campsite and yet they are all were just staring at me but I can already tell this is going to be a long night. But I am tired I flew all the way here from Berk just by there scent. But I could tell by their faces that they had questions. So I said, "Before you asked, yes it's is me Ronde, let's not repeat the same thing that happened on my boat. I may look different...but it is still me." My voice was still somewhat the same just a little deeper.

Fishlegs looked at me then laughed, "The fact that you continue to call that ship a boat is proof enough that it's you for me."

"Whatever," I almost growled, "Anyway I'm tired by following you guys here so whatever you have to say please make it quick."

Hiccup was the first to say something, "The one thing I don't understand is how are you able to change into different Dragons?"

"To tell you the truth I don't fully understand how myself I just can. I can change into only a few species of dragons from only the Strike and Mystery class. But I can't become anything bigger than what I am now or anything smaller than my human self."

Fishlegs then cut in front of Hiccup before he asked his next question, "Were you born like this?"

I shook my head, "No, I had an accident that involved my father and my friend that was a dragon, I don't want to get into details but my grandmother tried to save my life but whatever she did change me into this."

I turn over and noticed how Astrid and Hiccup glanced at each other but I decided to said nothing. But Astrid took a step forward and said, "So you where the Chimera Dragon all this time?"

I nervously looked away from her, "Yes, I don't believe that there are other dragons that looked like me. It was just a side effect of what my grandmother gave me, so it's just me."

She walked a little closer to me and said, "So you saved my life and tried to protect me."

I found the courage to look her in the eye, "Ever since the day I kidnap you I felt like I owe you something, I tried making it up for you but I couldn't think of anything. To tell you the truth that was the reason why I stayed in your village to make up for what I did to you. But when Bog Burglars came to the village and I heard some of the dragons roaring and screeching, I knew that you were in danger I quickly tried to change and hid around the village just to make sure you guys were ok but then you were surrounded. I warn Stormfly what I was about to do and well...the rest you know."

"That why you were focused on me?"

I nodded, "Yes."

"And when I was injured you were trying to speak to me."

I look away from her, "My voice slipped, I was trying to see if you needed help but..."

They all look at me then Astrid walks a little closer. "But what?"

"The moment I saw blood going down your arm and the destruction of Berk and the body's of the dragons that were tranquilized, I got angry and began to slowly lose myself then I just snap and I don't really remember what happened next."

They all looked at me confused, then Hiccup said, "You don't remember what you did?"

I looked away from them, "Just small moments, I remember charging at the Bog Burglars, looking down at the docks seeing people fleeing and looking towards the sky roaring but that it."

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