Chapter 27 The Spring Festival

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Special Thanks to JustAnotherRandomPoster for helping with grammar and fixing some of the words and editing this chapter in this chapter


It had been three days since I asked Kindle to go out with me, and it was the most fun I'd had in a very long time. It reminded me of the old days back on her island, but this time we weren't sneaking out to see each other. We traveled to the other nearby villages, saw fields of flowers and the many materials we use for food and to make clothing. The experiences we've been able to share together, with some help from my mother, have taught her a lot about my country's agriculture.

But I think the highlight of our adventures was last night. She asked me if I could take her on a night flight and I happily agreed. We snuck into my mother's garden, and I made sure to stay hidden so the guards couldn't see us. Even if they wanted to change in front of the many dragons, who were quite confused about our presence and even shocked to see me change. But at that moment I didn't care, I just wanted to be next to Kindle. I helped her climb onto my back and took off toward the sky.

The sun was just about to set, giving off a purplish glow against the darkness. But at this moment, I decided it was best that we went outside my village for once and towards the outlands. As we soared through the clouds, I was glad to see hordes of animals running in groups around a huge lake. Some of the animals were still drinking from it, while others ran away as they sensed my presence. I descended towards the water and quickly realized how beautiful this scene was, the water reflecting myself, Kindle and the sky above us, with its many twinkling stars. In a way, it was like flying over a mirror. Kindle leaned towards the water's surface, while holding on to one of my back spikes so she wouldn't slip off. I was a little bit worried, but relaxed when I saw she had a good grip.

Her hand slid across the water as fast as I was flying, gliding delicately on its surface. Suddenly she started to laugh and grabbed on to me, which I assumed was my signal to pull up. I noticed why she had done that, the calluses on her hands were gone and her palms were clear. She did have some scarring, but they had faded; you could barely notice them. They had healed, so she could feel more sensations on her hand that she couldn't before. She was a little bit more touchy when it came to holding objects in my room, but I didn't mind.

As much as I wanted to go out further, towards the outlands last night, to show her more of my home, it was getting late. She was a bit disappointed, but understood why we were leaving. We came back to the castle, I landed towards the area where no one could see us. She got off my back and found my clothes, I quickly changed back and put them on. After I did, I felt a little winded, but I shook it off and to my surprise, Kindle thanked me and kissed me on my cheek. She has been getting closer to me every day, to the point that she sleeps closer to me before we go to bed.

Last night, after we were resting, I didn't have any urges to do anything while we're together, my primary goal is just to make her happy. Spending time and helping her is enough for me. However, I have been getting these strange feelings whenever I am around her. I don't know what they are, but they're very strange.

But today is a new day. Right now, I'm waiting outside the castle for the Kindle. Today we decided to go out to eat at a place that Kindle heard about and she wanted to try. But I did something I'm not proud of...I had to ask my mother for money, and she gave me too many gold pieces. One would be enough for the meal, but a whole bag full of them is completely unnecessary. I guess I can give a huge tip, but I think I'll save it for tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the Spring Festival. My village already has concession stands, masks for display and they've finished setting up some games. I might play a few games with Kindle, and hopefully win her a prize, but I'll think of plans for tomorrow later today.

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