Chapter 13 Target

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Special Thanks to my Beta Reader httydfangirl123 for editing this chapter.


It'd been three and a half days since the incident with the Night Fury and the Chimera Dragon. My door was fixed, and Ronde made a full recovery. Ronde spent the days up until now helping out the village by fixing houses and building new stables for the dragons. I was impressed by the way he was helping the dragons around the village, such as calming them down if there was an incident and he was helping the other Vikings and Riders to train them. Which was amazing to me because he could calm down the most aggressive of dragons within seconds. But as that day went on, it was late and once again, Ronde had no place to sleep. Astrid and I decided it would probably be for the best for him to sleep where Mildew used to live.

Mildew's house was used for storage, so it took us around an hour to get everything out of his house. Ronde agreed to stay there but first wanted cleaning supplies because he said the house smelled: "This place smells like something died and came back to life, spit and earwax, sweat, and shame with a hint of sheep." Then he looked towards me and Astrid. "I don't know who this Mildew person is but now I want to punch him repeatedly." After hours of cleaning the house, Ronde agreed he would stay there for the meantime.

Once we were done with cleaning the house, I had a conversation with Astrid about the day of peace and whether she was willing to come with me and she said yes. Now I needed to find out who was going to be the next person to travel with us. I was thinking Fishlegs, but he seems more interested in finding Chimera dragon in the woods and we needed to get there on time and the only way to do that would be to leave today. Besides, Fishlegs' Gronckle wasn't very fast. That would leave Ronde. I trusted him enough to come with me, he could also help me prove to the other nations the dragons aren't dangerous. He might not have a dragon of his own but he could ride the back of Stormfly with Astrid.

I already have everything planned out such as destinations for uninhabited islands we could rest at during the trip, enough food and water to sustain ourselves with and finally a clear path to lead us to our destination faster. The group that I decided to take would leave with me either tomorrow morning or afternoon. At that moment I was inside my house with Ronde playing a game similar to chess. He didn't know how to play at first but once I told him what each piece did he would beat me within 5 to 7 turns.

"I don't understand how you're so good at this game when you never played it before and I just taught you how to play it," I said.

He looked at the board and said: "It's not that hard if you put your mind to it, you have to think three steps ahead of your opponent and predict what moves are going to make the counteract those moves," He told me.

"Yes but you always take out my king rather than my queen which is an automatic loss for the person."

He had a grin on his face as he told me: "That's because you leave them in the open with no one to defend them with. During your 3rd or 5th turn, you always do that. Even if you don't realize it, you must always protect your king and queen."

"What do you mean I'll leave them in the open?" I asked him.

"There is a certain path or pattern that is too obvious for me to ignore. Your goal is obviously trying to take out as many of my soldiers as possible so you can get to my queen. However, during your assault, there is a certain path that you leave wide open and I take advantage of that. Each piece has a special skill or ability, and thanks to these skills I can take out the majority of your pawns with 1 individual piece to weaken your defences and go out towards your queen. That's my strategy."

I was baffled by what he was saying and I couldn't believe he had noticed this after only playing a few games with me. "You're thinking of this as an actual battle, aren't you?"

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