Chapter 12 The Chimera Dragon Intelligence

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Special Thanks to my Beta Reader httydfangirl123 for editing this chapter.


I didn't know why I had to be the one to look after the twins and Ronde while looking for another Night Fury. And now I'd heard that Ronde was very upset with me because I still had his book, even though I stopped reading his diary a while ago. He was just being too vague when it came to his stories and I thought he was doing it on purpose. On top of that, I had to report something to Astrid or Hiccup about any suspicious behavior coming from him.

Meanwhile, we'd been searching in a forest for about 15 minutes and we still hadn't found anything. We didn't have our dragons as there was no point of taking them if we were just going to be on the ground. However, if we managed to get in trouble we could use our dragon calls to get their attention. The only things we were looking for were tracks or scales but every time I turned around Ronde would give me a death stare and to say he didn't look scary would be a lie.

"Have we found anything yet? I'm tired of walking." Said Ruffnut.

"Why couldn't we bring our dragons?" Said Tuffnut.

"We can't bring our dragons because we didn't want to alert the Night Fury of our presence," I responded. "The dragons will make too much noise and remember, we can still call them to come to us during an emergency."

"And if we're lucky, we can possibly find the Chimera dragon in these woods."

I heard Ronde mumble something, but he was cut off by Tuffnut.

"So, we're basically out here on a wild-goose chase so we can find a dragon that might not be here?"

"No, because thanks to the notes in Ronde's book that I borrowed-."

"Stole," Ronde said cutting me off.

I tried to finish my thought. "Borrowed, the Chimera dragon most likely marks this place as its home."

"Don't pretend that you borrowed my book," He said, angrily

"You left it for us so we could find you and Astrid," I stated.

"Yes, that is true, but you could have given it back to me after my trial but instead you use it for your own gain and look at my personal information."

"I wouldn't use it just look at your personal information! I was interested in the dragon portions of your book."

"Really?" He said in a low deep voice. "If that were true how come you guys know that I was an outcast from my country? How do you know about the island I stayed on for a while when I was younger?" He started to walk towards me. "How do you know about the girl that I liked that tried to kill me?"

"I-I how did you-?"

"Astrid told me during my trial. I don't need everyone or anyone to know about my past, so once this is all over, GIVE ME MY BOOK BACK!" he said coldly. Then he turned around and took the lead and started walking off.

"Wow, he's really mad at you." Said Ruffnut.

"Yeah, I've seen people get annoyed with you, but mad? Never," Added her twin.

Ronde took the lead in finding some tracks and then I began to wonder. I knew I was wrong for reading portions of his diary but I just wanted to know more about why he ran away. Ever since I read the first portion of his diary I'd just been coming up with theories as to what he could have done but none of it made any sense. He ran away at 10 years old. He shouldn't have been capable of doing much damage to anything and he wasn't a thief. He didn't seem to be a liar and he was very honourable. He could have run away with the dragons to avoid his trial but he stayed. But why?

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