Chapter 24 Reunited

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Special Thanks to Ferith12 for helping with grammar and fixing some of the words in this chapter, and Lala2003 for fixing the first half of this chapter.


Travelling with part of my family and the Dragon Riders had been alright so far. It'd been around five days since we left Berk and we were long past the island we had rested at for a day of peace, and —if I had to make an estimate— I would say we were a day away, maybe two, from my home, Afri. I was almost nervous to return, but I was also excited to see how much it had changed. I had been in dragon form for the past six days, ever since we'd left, and I believed my mother and my mentor were getting used to the idea of me being one, but I didn't know if I should tell them about me slowly becoming a dragon permanently as I got older.

It was very early in the morning, everyone was packing up in preparation for our flight over to the next island. Fishlegs was taking notes about the area we were currently in, I assume that this was new territory for them; they might need to add some areas to their map so they wouldn't get lost if they ever went this far out again.

As we were gathering the last of our supplies, we checked my map and my mother's guide to see where we should stop next. But as we were looking, my mother realized something.

My mother then exclaimed, "Oh no, there is only one island left that isn't inhabited by our enemy's and colonizers. But I don't know if this island has been claimed by anyone. If we're not careful we could be in trouble."

Hiccup looked at the map that my mother was carrying and it seemed like he was measuring the distance between where we were, the island that my mother was talking about, and my home. After he finished concentrating, he said out loud, "If it's too much he could just fly straight to your home from here."

My mother shook her head. "No, that is too long of a distance, we'll be flying until tomorrow afternoon just to reach my home. And I don't want to put your dragons in those conditions. Plus I have to make sure that none of you are attacked while your in our tribes."

Everyone except for me and my mentor was surprised to hear that statement, but then Hiccup asked, "Why would we be attacked?"

My mother looked away from him nervously. "My tribe isn't used to people from the outside coming into our homes, especially ones with your... background. Even Unitatis had a hard time the first time he came, he was almost decapitated just because someone thought that he was a colonizer."

Unitatis is that guy who held the day of peace meeting? When did he come to my home? I thought.

My mother saw how the other Dragon Riders were shocked and tried to assure them, "Don't worry, I just have to make a public announcement that you're just visitors and maybe get you all new clothes while I'm at it..."

That was my mother for you; always worried about other people's appearance if it affected her image. Since she knew that they were going to represent her, she also knew that they needed to change their clothing because to her they look like rags.

But I'm getting off track. I need to focus on the area we are in right now. I should know a few islands around this area where we could stay on.

I walked in front of them and sat upright, "Hey, may I see the map? I do know a few places around this area."

My mother nodded and opened the map even farther and placed it on the ground for me to see. She pointed at the area that we were and the island between here and my home. I looked around and I did see some of the islands that she was talking about that could have been claimed by people outside of our nation. But there was one island that was close to my home that caught my attention.

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