Chapter 19 The Day of Peace

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Special Thanks to DragonWriter0316 for helping with grammar and fixing some of the words in this chapter. it was fun working together with you on this chapter, fixing the mistake I made and adding more detail to certain scenes was fun.


I finished packing and loading the supplies, this was the day of the meeting. I wondered what would happen after this day? Would more tribes come together so they could connect to trade? Or was it possible that we would just make new enemies, I guess only time will tell.

Astrid and Fishlegs were getting ready to leave; however, Ronde was over towards the lake looking at his reflection again. I was wondering why but by the looks of his body language he was nervous about something.

I decided to speak, "Alright everyone, today is the day of peace meeting. We should make it to the place within an hour. However, and I cannot stress this enough, please be on your best behavior, both us and our dragons are representing Berk. We might make new enemies but we also may make new allies as well. But we need to do this for the safety of Berk, so let get a move on."

"Ok," Fishlegs said while packing his stuff.


Everyone turned around to look at Ronde.

He looked nervous but spoke and said, "Before we head out there to face whatever comes our way just hear me out."

"What is it?" Astrid asked.

He looked over toward us and tries to compose himself and said out loud, "I believe it is best if only Hiccup, Astrid, Stormfly, and I should go to this meeting."

"What!? Why?" I asked

"I thought about this last night and I want you all to think about it for a moment: don't you think it's a little strange that the Bog Burglars decided to take Hiccup a few days before this meeting?"

I was wondering what he was getting at, so I asked him.

He looked over towards me and said, "Hiccup, did the message that you received say anything about what would happen if you didn't show up?"

I thought for a moment, "They said if I didn't make it to this meeting, they would attack Berk."

"I was afraid of that. I believe that the Warlords are aware of this meeting and tried to take advantage of it." He had a worried look on his face. "I believe that the Warlords hired the Bog Burglars to take you off your island because they wanted you to pay for interfering with their plans, as well as have you captured so they could use you to teach them how to gain a dragon's trust."

"Wait, what are you trying to say?"

"It's quite possible that this meeting could be a trap or at least a way to observe your power over dragons."

"So why do I need to stay?" asked Fishlegs

"To watch over Toothless. If this is a trap then it is best not to hand-deliver them one of their targets. Meanwhile, Astrid and Hiccup will ride Stormfly to the island and I will act as their bodyguard and if something goes wrong I'll get us all out of there and come back here."

"Are you going to stay the way that you are or change into your...human self?" Astrid asked.

"I need to stay like this, for now, I...need to go like this."

I was about to ask him why but then I remember something back at Berk when we were playing chess.

("But know this Hiccup, I'm only going there for support I'm not going inside the place," he said in a serious tone.

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