Chapter 21 The Dragon nip Incident

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It was early in the morning, the wind was blowing slowly across the village. The sun hasn't even been up for 3 hours yet here I am next to around 40 Bog Burglars on my ship. Some of them were still injured because of me. both from when I attacked them and when I was out of control while I was a dragon. But most of them were staring at me like I grew two heads.

"What did you just say?" One of the Bog Burglars asked Bewildered.

This time I said it in more detail, "I said you're free to go home on my ship. In fact, you can keep this ship, I have no use for it anymore."

He was still confused, "Why are you doing this? We raided this place, destroyed your building and-"

I cut him off by waving my hand in the air and said, "You guys help fix the village, you've cooperated with the villagers and you somewhat helped with us getting information about your village so we could rescue this village chief even though I knew where to go. What I am trying to say is you guys were being very compliant so we're letting you go home."

He shook his head, "No, there's something more to this, your being too kind what is your game?"

I sighed, "Look to tell you the truth, we're letting you go for 2 reasons. The first is the village is almost completely fixed and they don't need all of you sleeping in an overcrowded cell next to each other. The 2nd reason is your leader Bertha knows what you all have done and she has demanded to have you guys sent back to your island."

Some of the Bog Burglars heard what I said and began muttering words and others were trying not to freak out. But the man in front of me said, "Great, she is going to punish us and her daughter. We do regret that we raided this village but we needed the money to get away from the Warlords. All we did was just waste our time and we don't have anything to show for it."

I somewhat felt bad, these guys were trying to get out of a bad situation but I just don't agree with the method that they chose. Taking someone that has nothing to do with your conflicts is going too far. 'But maybe...', I had an idea that could help them and myself.

"Hey, do you know if I had a bounty on my head?" I asked.

He examined me and tried to think, "Yeah, I think so, Dragon Hunters and the Warlords do have something against you. However, I don't believe that it was as high of a bounty of the chiefs."

"WHAT!", I was both relieved and insulted, for nearly a year I've stopped them from taking dragons across my path and the ones on my island yet Hiccup bounty was higher than mine? I then tried to calm myself down and said, "I think I know of a way to both benefit us."

He was confused, "What do you mean? You're not trying to turn yourself in, are you? That suicide."

I shook my head, there not getting it, "No, as far as I know, the leader of your raid thinks I'm dead and you can use that to your advantage to get away from the warlord's by my bounty."

"How? We need proof, that means that we need a corpse or something that points to you that we had an encounter with you."

I smile, "Exactly."


I tried to explain, "While I was trying to rescue the chief I had to be stealthy so I took off my clothes so no one could hear me sneak around. But I had left my clothes on your island and you can use that as proof that you had an encounter with me."

He stared at me with a blank expression, "You took off your clothes to be more stealthy? You were running around our island naked?"

I was slightly embarrassed, of all the things he had to point out, he pointed that out? Did he not just hear what I just said? But I was embarrassed because it was somewhat true. Technically when I'm a dragon I am naked but not exposed! I tried to hide my embarrassment, "No!" I lied, "I had other clothes underneath them. Look what I'm saying is if you can find my clothes and show them to Warlords or the dragon Hunters they'll give you my bounty and this way I could one day get the drop on them and by that time you guys will be far away from your island."

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