Chapter 30 Alkebulan

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(Note only on Wattpad music and images are in this chapter to help give the scene's  more weight and emotion.)

The sun was beginning to rise

The birds were chirping, and the Terrible Terrors were beginning to sing they're mating call.

Today is the day that a new king will be crowned.

Whatever happened today will decide the future of Afri and its people.

As the sun was rising more and more people began to go outside to enjoy the sight of a new day upon them. While others were preparing themselves for the coordination of a new king. Such an event happens when the king and queen children become adults. So every 20 or 40 years this event happens. Even a few among the other tribes ever come have to witness this event. Some of whom are still shocked to hear that the previous King was a traitor.

Some of the people were preparing themselves while others were getting food to eat. However while the people were looking around they noticed that there were a few guards in each corner of the village. Was this a way to crowd control or something more going on?

As the day went on the sun was over the village. It was a nice warm day as some of the dragons were flying above the village, some of them landed on the rooftop of the houses and buildings expecting some of the people to feed them while others were flying towards the castle.

More time had gone on. Upendo had awoken from his slumber with a huge grin across his face as he stared out toward his window, "Today is the day I fix what my brother refuses to admit is broken. Today is the day I'm king."

As he got out of bed his door began to knock. He told whoever it was to come in. It was one of the servant Rose, "Excuse me sir but your Coronation is an hour we must get you in the right attire and then we must get the dragons ready."

He looked over at the woman and back to his window, "Ah yes the dragons from that girl yesterday. How she required these dragons are beyond me but I thank her for allowing me to use them for my coronation. Let's get this over with so I may give out my first order as king."

Within half an hour the other servant had helped Upendo in his new attire, a new uniform, robe and shoes one they were done making sure everything was right with Upendo attire they started to walk towards the door until Upendo stopped next to a painting of his father and mother. Right underneath that painting was a small sword, a sword that was given to him and his brother by their father. Both the brothers were given this blade.

Upendo looked up at the painting and placed his hands together, "Mother, father I promised I'll make you proud. I'll lead our people to greatness and protect our own, just please watch over me."

He grabbed the blade and it's sheath and placed it on his belt inside his robe. Rose looks a bit concerned, "M-my king why do you..."

He quickly answered, "Do not worry, this is just in case something happens. I was never raised in the art of combat unlike my brother so I need this if the guard fails to protect me. But do not fret. I know how to use a weapon."

Rose looks slightly calmer. Upendo walked towards the door, "Now then shall we awaken the dragons down stairs?"

Rose again looked a bit concerned, "My king, I'm not an expert of dragons. I'm afraid I can't help you with that."

Upendo smiled, "No worries, after what I saw those dragons that the girl dropped off are completely obedient. After we release them, get the chariot ready for departure towards the village."

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