Between Chapters

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-part of the story this but an update. read below after the story if you want to see it.


As we sail, I'm getting more and more anxious about this rescue. I know that this plan is going to work but...what if it goes south and the others might know my secret. I only wanted to tell Astrid this, I trust her completely, but I know she going to freak out when I show her.

But if something goes wrong, I have to protect them, this is all my fault and I had plenty of opportunities to stop this from happening, but I didn't do anything. So, if they do reject me then it's my fault for dragging them this far.

I just hope that we succeed without anything going sideways.

I look over towards Astrid, she was near Stormfly just rubbing her neck and giving her something that looks like grass. I just hope that not dragon nip, I pray that not dragon nip for their sake. "Astrid I'm going on top of the ship just for some fresh air I'll be back in a few."

"Alright, just don't take too long," she responded.

I went to the stairs instead of using a latch I wasn't in any rush to jump to the top. I went towards the front of the ship and lean forward on the edge staring at the fading sunlight of the horizon. It's almost complete nighttime but the sun illuminance was still over the horizon adding its beauty to this scene. It's been a while since I've seen something like this, usually, I'm to busy to notice this but, it just adds a calm atmosphere around me.

"I need to go flying again, but I grounded myself just for being near these guys. I just hope at the end of all this, it's worth it."

Fishlegs is telling Snotlout to go.

Snotlout is trying his best to not blow up on Fishlegs for giving him orders. Figures.

The twins are asleep on each side of the ship. It's a really good thing that I didn't need them for anything. But their dragon can create a Smokescreen of gas, that can be helpful.

Astrid is taking care of the dragons.

And me thinking of ways to make sure that the others don't know my secret if this plan goes sideways.

"Let's just hope."

- Alright, it has been a month since I updated the story. I have some good news and bad regarding the story but before I tell you, let me say this. (NO, I'M NOT discontinuing the story I put too much thought that's how the story is going to play out so it will continue.)

We're going to end this with a positive but let's start with the bad news first.

School is back around so I have to prioritize school over this story so updates are going to be a little slower. You probably won't see an update to this story every 2 to 3 weeks anymore, It might be a month or more.

Now for the good news. You're probably thinking why haven't you been uploading then? its still summer! Well you're right it is still summer but I go back to school next week whenever this was uploaded so I've been preparing myself.


The reason I haven't been uploading is because I didn't have my laptop for the past few weeks so I couldn't upload.


The weeks that I haven't had my laptop I have still been working on a story and believe me or not which I'm surprised myself I managed to complete 2 more chapters and the 3rd is almost complete. I've been working on these chapters on my phone and just sending them to myself whenever they are finished.

But here's the thing, I don't want to upload them just yet. These chapters completely changed the story and they need the most attention and care. So sometime next week or when I'm free, I hope to get a Beta Reader. So please be patient with me. I believe I'm a good storyteller but I need to be better at writing, I need to learn how to rephrase certain sentences without having them sound like I'm repeating myself which I do a lot.

So sometimes within a month(meaning between now and 30 days), the next chapter should be out.

Chapter 16, need work.

Chapter 17, was my favorite chapter to write out of this entire story so far but it might need work.

Chapter 18, this is a quick chapter but needs work. Almost complete.

Chapter 19, the summary is complete but a lot of talking and Exposition that is somewhat unnecessary for the story. So for this chapter, I would skip the middle but not the beginning and end if you want. I might change this to make it a little bit more interesting but we haven't crossed that road yet.

Chapter 20, summary complete and this might be the longest chapter by far but you will feel the emotions from this chapter.

It is currently 8/24/19 when I'm writing this some like to say thank you for those who are reading, reviewing and giving me feedback I do appreciate it.


I lie about the next chapter not being as long as the previous it's either longer or just as long as the previous chapter.

Take care.

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