Chapter 20 Ronde's Origins

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This is by far my longest chapter I have made for this story, it is over 17,000 words long. I am sorry for that, it is long but I believe every word matters in this chapter unless there's a mistake. Originally this wasn't supposed to come out yet but it's been a month since I last updated the story. This chapter will change and be upgraded possibly in the near future but here it is raw.


2 days, it took us 2 days since the Day of Peace and we just to make it back to Berk. We assume that this is were Ronde was base on Stormfly, she was following his scent. We all landed near the middle of the village. It seems nobody pay us any mind.

I looked around to see if Ronde was nearby or if there were any signs of him "So, he did come back here?" I asked.

"I don't know, Stormfly could have just followed his scent a few days ago when he was following us," Astrid replied.

"Were should we start?" Asked Fishlegs.

I came up with a few ideas where to find him but we needed to separate, "Astrid, try to see if he's at Mildew home, Fishlegs looked around the island and I will ask people around the village have they seen him. If no one doesn't find any information we just try to find him another way. "

We all separated into different directions in the middle of the village. I asked people around the village have they seen Ronde or at least have they seen the dragon he can turn into. But no one I've talked to had seen him. So if no one had seen him there a good chance that he never came back. But I had to keep looking, maybe mom and Gobber have seen him.

I hop on Toothless's back and we flew towards Gobber workshop, and he was working on melting iron with Grump asleep next to the fireplace. Gobber took notice of me, "Las, Your Back!" He yelled and then got up and gave me a bear hug that could almost break my back. "Oh, did everything go well? Did you managed to gain any allies or did you make more enemies?"

"Yes, yes and maybe, but Gobber that not why am here," I said while he was putting me down.

"Oh, so you were worried about me? Oh, Hiccup I'm fine and so is your mother. The tribe that we captured are cooperating and helping us fix the village-"

"Gobber." I said cutting him off, "have you seen Ronde?"

"Oh, that boy that took out some of those trespassers? He has been crying since yesterday morning in mildew old home."

Hold on, did I miss heard him? "Gobber did you say that he been crying since yesterday?"

"Yeah, I assume that he was bum out about not going with you guys but this is a little bit much I told Snotlout and the twins to help cheer him up but well...that might have been a mistake on my part."

'He's been here since yesterday morning? Yet no one seen him as the Chimera dragon and the meeting was 2 days ago. Is he really that fast?'

"Gobber I got to go see him, I'll see you later."

I flew with Toothless to find Fishlegs and we found him. "Hey Fishlegs, Gobber just told me that he's in mildew home. I hear from him as well that the twins and Snotlout are there with him. We should probably hurry before they upset him even more."

We both flew towards mildew home and I saw Astrid at the front door of the house. We landed a little farther up that when I saw the twins and Snotlout sitting a few feet from the house.

"What going on?" I asked

Snotlout look irritated and answer, "He's been lock-in that house ever since he woke up yesterday, he refused to come out. We have been ordered to get him out but I say just let him cry about getting left behind."

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