Chapter 2 The Boy

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Special Thanks to Draconicbeing2.0 for rewriting the scenes and making the words in this chapter flow better. The amount of detail that went into this chapter really shows so again Thank you.

Mysterious boy (POV)

"So, this is Berk? I'm honestly disappointed with how small this place is. But if this is the place with the so-called Dragon Riders are, I don't have a choice." I gazed around at the trees and flowers, glancing at a few birds. I sighed, rubbing my arms to warm myself up. "A day-and-a-half of flying and 3 hours of sailing just so I can reach this island. Why is it so cold? Its spring for God's sake! I should have brought extra clothes," I muttered bitterly, slouching.

"Well, look what we have here." While I was walking around, I noticed that there are traps scattered across the forest. "Dragon traps. Slightly rusted, they must have been here for years. The people of this Village probably don't know they're here," I thought to myself.

I pulled out my map, pointing my finger at the small markings. Squinting, I narrowed my eyes to see better.

"So, I'm here right next to the Viridian of misery... this is Berk... and our destination is.... Here." I paused for a moment, together with my thoughts. "Depending on the dragons on this island, that might be another day and a half trip."

"And I need to find a way to convince him to leave this island to help my cause or the king's cause... I also need to find out if this is Berk. I know that there are Dragon Riders here, that boy on top of the black Sand Wraith was proof enough, but I don't know if it was forced the fly with him or not; it didn't seem distressed." I glanced up and continued walking as I mused over my thoughts. That spectacle had amazed me, but I hadn't been able to catch up to the pair that day.

"I also need to find out what to do if they decide not to come, and worst-case scenario, they see me as an intruder or spy, which technically isn't wrong, but I'm not sure. I don't want to start anything with anyone; I just need help." My thoughts jumbled up in confusion as multiple scenarios shot through my head. Kicking a stray rock away, I sighed and glanced at the map one more time before rolling it up.

"And, well, I guess if they don't decide to come, I don't have a choice but to take a hostage as live bait and force them to come," I thought, thinking of the different ways I could kidnap one of the humans. They would fight back, of course, and I needed to be prepared for anything.

"I don't want it to come to that, but if push comes to shove, I don't have a..." A shadow fell over me and I noticed a dragon silhouette above.

"Shoot! I shouldn't have been standing in the opening like this! How sloppy of me," my thoughts cried, and I slowly began to back away into the trees.

"Maybe they won't see me as a threat if I just slowly back away."

"Stormfly! Spine shot!"

I panicked and fled, feeling the air whistle as something sharp headed towards me, and a harsh growl sounded behind.

(2 minutes earlier.)

Astrid (POV)

"Alright Fishlegs, calm down. Our job is to find the dragon and bring it back to the Village," I explained in annoyance as the large boy squealed and nearly tipped over Meatlug, much to her annoyance.

"I know, but I'm just so excited! It's been a very long time since we discovered a new species of dragon. And if what you say is true, and it can ignore the king of dragon's command, it must be very powerful." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, muttering, "And how is that a good thing for us? It could try to kill us and our dragons!"

How to Train Your Dragon the Mystery of A Boy and a Dragonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें