Chapter 10 flight

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Special Thanks to httydfangirl123 for checking the grammar and making the words in this chapter flow better then what it was before.


I ran back home after a long day of playing and training, "Dam are you in here?" I asked as my voice echoed throughout our home.

"Yes, little one, I am, you may come in." She responded.

I walked into our home and noticed she was next to my brother and sister, they were asleep, "It is around that time isn't it?"

She smiled and said, "Yes, little ones like you need to rest so they can grow up big and strong."

I chuckled at that statement, "Dam, do you know where Sire is?"

"He went out to get some food for everyone, he should be back soon and when he gets here, I will wake everyone so we can eat together."

"Oh, okay," I said sadly.

She must have noticed that I was sad and said, "What seems to be troubling you, little one?"

"I feel like I never had the chance to apologized to him after the little incident a few days ago when I almost attacked you all."

I lowered my head in shame, I did tell them I was sorry, but I felt like I should have done more to show them.

"Come here, little one." She said to me.

I walk towards her expecting her to hit me, but she didn't instead she nuzzled me. "After what you told me, little one, I'm not surprised about your actions. I was just surprised by your reactions, but I understand why you did it for what you told me you hadn't eaten in a while, you were not in your right mind so don't blame yourself."

I was so shocked by what she told me, and tears began to go down my face.

"Little one, what's wrong? Why are there tiny streams of water coming out of your eyes?" She asked in concern. I started to laugh a little.

"I'm just happy that you forgive me and understand how I feel."

I began to lay down next to her in a comfortable position getting ready to fall asleep, "Dam?"

She looked down towards me, "Yes, little one."

"Can you tell me the story of how the little dragon found its way home?"

She smiled, "Yes I think I can."

"There once was a little dragon just learning how to fly, his Sire and Dam were teaching him how to coordinate himself in the air. One day, however, there was a big gust of wind that blew away the little dragon far away from his home. The little dragon did not know how the world worked without his Sire and Dam. He didn't know how to fly, how to catch food or defend himself. He was alone in the world that he just didn't understand. While wandering in the woods he found a group of dragons of many different species, they welcomed him with Open Wings and claws teaching him how to fly, among other things. Months turn into years and the little dragon wasn't so little anymore; he was strong enough to look after himself.

"He said goodbye to those who taught him and searched for his Sire and Dam. While searching for them he found a female dragon that was soon to be his mate, one day they flew together, they had strong feelings for each other so later that day they embraced one another. The male dragon loved his mate but the idea of his Sire and Dam not knowing if he was alive or not haunted him. His mate understood his pain, so they went off together to find the ones he loved. Weeks later, he found the place where he was born. Unfortunately, his sire and Dam where nowhere to be found. Luckily, however, he picked up their scent and soon followed it.

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