Chapter 11 Another Night Fury?

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Special Thanks to my Beta Reader httydfangirl123 for editing this chapter and sending me updates as well.

Ronde (POV)

I was standing on the beach looking over the horizon, reminiscing about my past. It'd been two weeks since I ran away from home and I already missed my mother and sisters, but I didn't think they'll miss me. Maybe my mother would, but my sisters would quickly get over it. My sisters were strong-willed they didn't let their emotions cloud their judgment - that's one thing I could admire from them.

Then I heard footsteps approaching me from behind, I turned around to see who it was.

"Oh, hello Sire," I could tell by his face that he was angry or worried, "What are you doing out here?"

He moved behind me and said: "Youngling, I should ask you the same thing, what are you doing out here? It's getting late and the others are getting worried."

"I'm sorry, I lost track of time. I just want to be by myself for a little bit," I told him.

"Why would you want to be by yourself?"

"It just helps me think and process things about life. I mean no offense if you took it that way."

He stepped closer then sat down beside me. "Tell me, what is on your mind right now?" He asked me.

I took a deep breath and said: "My family and my home."

He sighed in disgust, "Not this nonsense again. Just because those monsters raised you does not make them your family."

I was shocked that he said that, and I began to feel anger boil up inside of me.

"You are not one of them. They probably stole you when you were born so when you first laid your eyes on them you thought they were your parents. You are very lucky to be alive."

He doesn't understand, I know this, but I could still feel my anger reaching a point where I was close to snapping.

"Why do you continue to believe that you are one of them after you know what they do to us?"

"IT'S BECAUSE IT'S THE ONLY STORY THAT I HAVE!" I yelled at him, I didn't know who was more surprised, him or me, but I continued, "I know that you don't believe my story - it seems impossible but it's the truth. If I had a choice to change it or to lie about it, I would but I see no point."

I began to cry because I knew that no one in this world would understand my situation. I knew that Dam and the others wouldn't believe my story and I began to feel alone again.

"No one could possibly understand what I'm going through which is why I wanted to be alone so I can have time to process this and make sure it doesn't bother me later." I looked towards him. "I know what they've done. I'm not proud of it, but they raised me to be what I am today."

I began to calm down and look towards the ocean again. "You don't have to believe my story but I know that you know that I feel lost and I don't know what to do about it."

I laid down on the soft sand of the beach when I felt something brush past me. I looked up and saw that Sire was wrapping himself around me. "Look, Youngling, I apologize if I offended you. Some of them probably meant something to you. I now realize some of them aren't bad if they raised you to be like this."

I was shocked. Why would he be apologizing even though I yelled at him?

He smiled and said: "You are kind, strong, brave and smart. For someone around your age to have those qualities is impressive. And another thing, I do believe in some parts of your story after you showed everyone the Giant Wooden Water Walker. I know that some parts of your story make sense."

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