Chapter 15 Set Sail

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Special Thanks to my Beta Reader Lala2003 and TheLoversTheDreamersAndMe for fixing the grammar in this chapter.

Astrid's POV

It hadn't even been a full minute since the Bog Burglars took Hiccup into the forest, completing their job and leaving us here. Right now, I was trying to wake up Ronde. If anybody could stop them, it was him.

"Ronde, please! Wake up! We need you, please!" I screamed in his face. He didn't respond.

Just then, I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I whipped around to see Fishlegs. The heavy-set boy gasped when he saw Ronde.

"What happened? Is he...?" Fishlegs trailed off, unable to finish. His hands flew to cover his mouth in disbelief.

"No, he's alive but he's injured. He needs help." I tried my best to not show my fear. "Fishlegs, please see if Elder Gothi is still here. If not, go to Dragon Island and tell everyone that it's safe to come back."

"Meatlug is still knocked out. How can I get to dragon island? I don't think we can afford to wait!" He explained frantically.

I thought for a moment about what dragons could still be on the island that hadn't been attacked. There was Grump, Gobber's dragon, but he tended to fall asleep while flying. Gobber should be helping out Snotlout with Hookfang... that's it!

"Hookfang should be up by now! Tell them to send the message, then go see if Gothi is still here!"

He nodded and quickly ran towards the village. I stayed, trying to wake Ronde again. I knew he might not wake up, but I had to try something. "Ronde please get up!

Ronde's POV




I-l... ca-can't, I'm just... so... tired.



The voice changed tone, but I didn't care. I just wanted to rest so I decided not to respond to it.

The voice sounded angry this time and yelled at me, "I said get up boy!"

I responded by saying only one word, "No."

He didn't respond. I only heard a grumble, the kind usually followed by a disappointed scowl, then footsteps slowly approaching me. I didn't have the strength to look up. I was staring at the ground. I saw blood, my blood, running down my arms and dripping from my forehead. I was gasping for air.

I barely had enough strength to look around, but I could see a crowd of people forming outside the training arena, looking in my direction.

Suddenly a foot came into my view.

"So you're just going to give up like that? You are a disappointment, my son." He reeled back his foot and suddenly kicked me in the face so hard I flipped and landed on my back.

"Gahh!" I screamed. This is why I hated training sessions with my father. He never held back, not even for his eight-year-old son. I wasn't even half his height. I tried sitting up and spat some of the blood out of my mouth, I was surprised I didn't lose a tooth from that kick.

He turned around to look at me. "Still conscious? I guess that's a good sign, so I'll say it again. Get up." His voice was colder than winter itself, but I knew in order to end this training session I had to do what he said.

How to Train Your Dragon the Mystery of A Boy and a Dragonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن