Chapter 28 Father and Son

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I do massively apologize for the long delay. I literally finished this entire story in October last year and I thought that I would have been able to post it during the beginning of 2022. However, not everything went according to plan. This was my final year of college and I've recently graduated. I'm looking for a better job and my final project was literally the only thing I wanted to focus on during the beginning of 2022 and it took nearly 4 months to complete. I am not telling you the name So please don't ask. I am not proud of the animation. I am proud of the fight sequence I made and the story but that's it. It was the 2nd best animation project in my class that I had to create in 9 weeks plus a few days but that's all I'm sharing about that. Anyway, enjoy the story. I'll explain more at the end.

Special Thanks to Crystal1962 for helping with grammar and fixing some of the words and editing for the first half of this chapter.


I had to get to my family before my uncle put his plan into motion. If what Kindle and the others had told me was true, my uncle was working with the Warlords. And no one was safe. I needed to protect them from what was about to happen.

Kindle and I flew on top of Thunder towards the Spring Festival. We soared above the clouds, Thunder's tail occasionally dipping into them as he carried us in a swift glide. I looked to the side and at the gap in the clouds there. Why now though? Why my uncle, of all people? What did he get out of it? He helped to improve the kingdom and yet he wants to harm my mother and father- his own brother? I didn't understand. Perhaps there was something I'd missed. Or something happened to him while I was gone.


I turned around to see Kindle looking at me, her brows pulled down. . "I know you have a lot on your mind right now but...I need to know. What's the plan? And, what are you even going to do if your uncle is there?"

I tried to suppress the urge to growl, but it slipped out. "Right now, I just want to get my family out of the festival and then- I don't know. I'll come up with a plan after they're safe."

She still looked at me with narrowed eyes. "But what about your father?"

I looked down at the scattering of wooden homes and the people that darted around like ants. I looked at my village. "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

I had to swallow the lump in my throat. "I still have to save him."

I tapped my left heel against Thunder's collar and he instantly began the descent towards an area that wasn't occupied by the crowd, next to the stage where a speech was being held.

As soon as we landed behind the stage, Kindle slid slowly from behind me, her footfalls nearly silent as she bounced onto the ground. There was only one guard but I didn't have the mind to wonder why as he jumped toward me, sword drawn.

His face was screwed as he waved the blade at me. "You are not permitted here!" My scowl was impossible to hide. "Turn and leave, I won't warn you again.!"

I got off of Thunder, running my hand down his side as I drew closer to the man. He swung his sword at me, but I ducked and watched as the blade caught the sun's glint inches above my head. Before he could react, I punched his face and watched as he crumpled to the floor; unconscious. I looked down at him.

"I'm sorry, but I can't allow my family to get hurt."

I turned to climb through the back of the stage when I felt a hand on my arm. Kindle yanked me back, her face red and eyes blown wide..

"Wait! You can't just rush in there and- what, talk to them? Try to take your family out ?" I shook off her grip but I couldn't help but pause.

"Look," she continued, "there are even more guards out on that stage, nevermind the ones milling through the crowd—we need to think carefully about this, before we act."

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