Chapter 81 The Raid Raid Part 1

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It was very sudden...

"Spellcasters lay down a fireball barrage!"

"Next, finish the first wave with Turn Undead!"

They appeared en masse right out of our front door.

"Warriors, take the vanguard! Healers, be ready to spam those Mass Heal! Everyone, be on the lookout for traps! Engage!"

An army of invaders stormed the gates of this sacred tomb, crushing the undead army that was stationed outside of the tomb in mere minutes.

I felt my pride trampled on as the massive army stepped foot on the very first floor of this sacred tomb with barely any casualties on their side.

"Druids and Beast Masters, summon some trash mobs to draw aggro away from our NPC Mercs! Spellcasters, be ready to launch Sunlight and Fireball on my signal!"

With brutal efficiency, the massive army was able to push forward with little resistance and casualties on their side with most of them being the fodders that they threw on our defenses.

This... This is an outrage! The sanctity of our lords is being defiled by these... beings!

Unable to take this kind of blasphemy any longer I decided to personally expel the invaders.

But before I could act, I heard my dear lord creator Peroroncino-sama's voice in my head.

'BestGirl, Activate Skill: Blood Pool in the Center of the Raid Party.' My lord commanded.

Without any delay, I acted upon his command and activated my skill Blood Pool at the very center of invading army.

'BestGirl, Activate Tenth Tier Spell: Summon Monster Tenth Three Times, after that Activate: Skill: Raise Kin. Use the Lower Tier Summons to Aggro the NPC Mercenaries and their other Summons. After that Activate Third Tier Spell: Animate Dead every Interval of Five Seconds. At the same time Use the Three Summon Monster Tenth on the Vanguard Players. -Oi Momonga! What's next-!?' Peroroncino-sama commanded.

I felt my entire being tremble in sheer delight as I followed through my lord's command to the very letter.

Within moments, the invading army's advance was halted as the three monsters that Peroroncino-sama willed me to summon, brought havoc to their vanguard. Normally, those three powerful summons wouldn't stand a chance against the army of invading Supreme Beings, but thanks to my Skill: Raise Kin, their minions were kept at bay from helping their masters, and with the addition of the Third Tier Spell: Animate Dead that I cast every five seconds, everyone that fell in battle, including my summons were be raised back as a trio of Skeleton Warriors that are close in power to the ones that were guarding the front of this sacred tomb.

Additionally, every pair of these weak skeletons would produce a very weak weakening aura on a small area, that grows in radius and strength for every skeleton within the aura radius. While the aura wouldn't mean much against the invading Supreme Beings if given enough time to accumulate...

We lost both YYCycloneYY and T3rriFIC! 4Memes, XxUdus, move up and cover their spots! Damn! We lost one of our Summoners!

Even beings such as them will also fall...

Truly, my lord creator Peroroncino-sama's unworldly insight can accurately see through the future! To even predict such a chain reaction that can take down these pretenders without the use of our more powerful spells.

Maybe this really shows that our lords are the True Supreme Beings, while these invaders are only mere pretenders. A sham trying to bear such a title.

Insolent whelps! You will each learn the might of the True Supreme Beings!

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