Chapter 84: Just a normal School Day...

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"Huh, I don't know if I should be glad or not that you're bringing in a student here for the first time, rather than always dragging them out of here, L/n-sensei." The school nurse remarked after seeing Y/n and Chika enter her office.

"For once, Altria-san decided to come to the gymnasium so, I guess it's a good thing, Hasegawa-sensei." Y/n replied.

"Injured here!" Chika complained in Y/n's arms, earning the school nurse's attention.

"Oh, my! If Satou-sensei sees this she would cry." The school nurse said as she remained seated and enjoying her tea.

 Walking up to the nearest unoccupied bed, Y/n lowered his student, "I don't think Fujiwara-san's her favorite, so I don't think she'll react badly with this one here ending up in your office. But then again, Satou-sensei worries over every student here, so I guess there is a possibility." Y/n replied while casually creating a cool gel pack and dropping it on Chika's face, earning him yelp and a slap on the arm from the pinkette.

"Now now, you've tormented Fujiwara-san more than enough, Sensei." Hasegawa said as she finally decided to get up from her seat to inspect the extent of Chika's injuries.

As she then took out a small flashlight on her breast pocket, she was about to hover it over Chika's eyes to see if the girl got a concussion.

"I'll take it from here, I'll send her back to class the moment I'm done treating her or give you a note to pass along her next class' teacher if she has to stay here longer. Now shoo! Let the DOCTOR work in peace." Hasegawa said while doing a 'shooing' motion with her free hand while she focused on Chika.

"That's too bright, Sensei!" Y/n ignored Chika's wailing as he left the office, only to bump into Kotomi.

"Oh, did you get a..." That was all that Y/n managed to say before cutting himself off when he noticed the familiar dangerous aura surrounding Kotomi.

"Great Red..." Y/n's eyes widened when he heard the name as 'Kotomi' stared up to him with her familiar blank grey eyes.

"Ophis?" Y/n said in shock as the girl's expression turned blissful for a second before quickly returning to her blank one.

"Please step aside so that I can exterminate the pest behind that door." Kotomi/Ophis said as the aura around her thickened.

"Hey, don't-" Y/n said as she tried to Ophis away from the door, only for the now revealed Dragon God to phase through him.

Realizing what's about to happen Y/n changed his surroundings into the Dimensional Gap, bringing along Ophis with him, before she fully phase through him and go through the Nurse's office.

'Dimension Seal.' Y/n commanded the current dimension he and Ophis are currently on, causing the Dragon God to frown at him as they stared at each other on top of one of the countless rocks that aimlessly floated within the Dimensional Gap.

"Why did you stop me?" Ophis asked as she turned back towards him.

"Because you were about to murder a person just now." Y/n replied as he stared down at the face of Kotomi that bore the eyes and blank expression of Ophis.

He was unsure of whether Chika or Hasegawa that Ophis was referring to as 'pest', but nevertheless he wouldn't allow either of them to be harmed by the girl in front of him.

"I can break out of your hold." Ophis said as the terrifying aura she was emitting drew back into her body.

"Yeah, no. You're on detention, kid." Y/n deadpanned, getting an amused chuckle from the Dragon God.

"You're really horrible at this teaching thing, aren't you?" She said before suddenly launching a bright orb of pure destructive energy at Y/n's face.

An explosion the size of a nuclear warhead detonated, engulfing the two beyond god-like beings, instantly vaporizing millions of floating debris within the range of the explosion.

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