Chapter 87: Advent of the Outer Beings I

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After a satisfyingly delicious meal, I left the sushi bar.

Mr. Mysterious or otherwise known as sis-con-Lucifer decided to leave me alone in the meantime after a few minutes of talking and at the threat of having his wallet stolen.

The last part was a lie of course as I'm currently holding it after using the money on it to pay for my meal.

Feeling the texture on the wallet -hm... Basilisk scale- I walked around aimlessly for a while, finding myself on an empty playground with a lot of company.

"Oi oi... what are you lot doing here? Karakura's a few miles over there." I said to the crowd of growling hollows while nudging my head toward Karakura town's direction.

I only got growls in response as some of the masked corrupted souls stepped forward.

Before it could take another step, it was bifurcated vertically as several a pair of strangers appeared near me while leveling their swords at the growling crowd of hollows.

"I haven't finished unpacking yet and these hollows are already causing trouble. And I just got here!" One of the strangers said in irritation as she glared at the dissolving hollow she just killed.

"After this, we got to inform the captain to dispatch more people to this town. This place is crowded with these guys it's almost like Karakura, only bigger!" The shorter of the two strangers said before rushing towards one of the hollows.

"Hey, Toshiro wait up! Let me vent too!" The unknown girl exclaimed as she followed after her partner.

Taking a few seconds to process the sudden light shounen moment. I turned and walked toward one of the swings in the playground.

I then idly watched the pair of strangers take on the crowd of hollows- wait. That girl... isn't that Ichigo's sister!?

What the hell? She's a shinigami too?

"GRAH! Back off! Hado #4. Byakurai!" Ichigo's sister yelled as she pointed her index and middle finger at the closest hollow in front of her and shot it with a concentrated bolt of lightning before sweeping her hand to the side.

"Damn it, there's so many of them!" The other shinigami said as he dodged swipes and lunges from several hollows with impressive footwork.

"Who pulls out their Shikai first is a chicken!" I yelled over the two, causing them to look at me in shock.

"Wait. You can see us? -nevermind that, get out here! It's dangerous here!" Toshiba yelled.

"I think I'm good here. None of these guys are even paying attention to me anyways." I said, causing him to curse in frustration.

Firing several red fireballs in front of him, Toshiba shouted to his partner. "Kurosaki, I'm releasing my Shikai, so clear out!"

"Hah! Chicken!" Ichigo's sister teased.

"I'm not! Captain will hang me by my ankles if you get hurt so shut up!" Toshiba yelled out as he lifted his sword.

"Sit Upon the Frosted Heavens! Hyorinmaru!" With a downward slash, Toshiba released a wave of dragon-shaped ice from his blade, freezing the majority of the hollows in the area.

After his Shikai's release, Toshiba and Ichigo's sister made quick work of the remaining hollows in the area.


"Hey, you! That was very dangerous! Why didn't you run away after I told you?" Toshiba said as he angrily marched towards me.

"Because, you don't tell me what to do, Toshiba," I replied.

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