Chapter 67: The Villainous Heroes

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Eating dirt really wasn't on Gabiru's to-do list when he promised Megumin earlier that he would kick some ass.

Spitting out dirt from his mouth, Gabiru looked back towards the battle and noted the distance he covered when he was sent flying by the monster's tail.

'How come this battle is not over yet? We have Great Red-sama fighting this monster with us for crying out loud!' Gabiru thought, before realizing something.

'Yes, he's here and could defeat the Water Wyrm on his own in an instant. But he is not doing so because... because... he is letting us do it instead! He's testing us, more specifically, Me!' He thought in realization as he quickly got back to his feet.

'I did have Rimuru-sama pass on to him a message detailing my decision to leave Tempest Village to go on a self-searching journey. And now, he's probably- No! He is definitely testing me to see how I had improved from my journey.' He thought as he made his way back towards the battle, only to see Cortana fly above the Water Wyrm and rain down fiery bombardment on the monster's back, earning a roar of pain from the large creature.

While the Water Wyrm was still reeling from Cortana's attack, Aqua took advantage of the opening and began to charge up a spell.

"Take this, [Ice Cannon]!" She yelled, firing a large ice projectile with the size as big as the creature's head.

The attack, however, wasn't powerful enough to penetrate the monster's scales as it shattered moments after impacting the Water Wyrm's right shoulder.

Although, even if the attack didn't manage to go right through the monster's shoulder, the size of the ice projectile and the location where the attack landed, managed to break some of its scales on the shoulder region, earning the party another roar of pain as a result.

'They're actually pushing it back!' Gabiru thought in surprise.

"And... Time!" Y/n yelled as he walked up to the trashing Water Wyrm without showing any signs of caution. Sidestepping a large open maw intent to devour him whole Y/n took the opening provided and swung his fist at the monster's jaw.


The monster's head swung to the side from the hit with its jaw dislocated, sending it crashing towards the ground in a heap.

"Is it dead?" Cortana asked, walking up to Y/n.

"I hope, not," Y/n said leaning in closer to check if the monster is still breathing or not.

He let out a relieved sigh as he noted the monster is still breathing.

"Alright, this guy's still alive." He said to her.

Aqua and Gabiru walked up to them with the latter holding what seems to be a tooth.

"You... you knocked that that Water Wyrm out with a punch," Aqua said as she stared intensely at him.

"Yep." Aqua's eyebrow twitched at his response.

"If you can knock this one out with a punch, then why didn't you do it earlier in the first place!?" Aqua yelled.

"I didn't do it earlier because I was trying to figure something out while we were battling it," Y/n replied, unfazed by the blunette's anger.

Placing a hand on the unconscious monster, Yn continued. "I noticed that the electricity it was generating earlier was colored blue instead of the usual black that this creature is known to generate."

'He's right, but how does he know that? He doesn't seem to know what a Water Wyrm really is when we left Axel. ' Aqua thought.

"Secondly, this one was trapped on your [Whirlpool] spell, which it should've easily gotten itself out, given its species are capable of creating twisters underwater to catch prey," Y/n said, prompting Aqua to narrow her eyes at him in suspicion.

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