Chapter 49: The calm before the Storm

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Bee-Tap!

I woke up to a high pitch sound coming from my alarm clock as my hand started to move on it's own and stopped the ringing of my alarm. Getting off my bed and tidied up my bed. After that I glanced back at the time.


Ah, good this is the first set. I usually wake up by the third set as I usually press the snooze button whenever it rings and by that time it reaches the third set it's 6:20am.

I turned to my dresser and grabbed my change of clothes and placed them on top of my bed as I'm about to take my morning bath. What? I take baths twice in a day its just that I take baths as well in the morning that way I'm fully awake when I get to school. Reason why is that I don't want look like a fool during Spears-sensei class.

I got into the bathroom and washed my face. After that I stripped off my night wear I got into the shower.







A couple of minutes later I stepped out of the shower while drying my wet hair with the towel feeling fresh and clean.

After that I then went towards the clothes bin while wrapping the towel I was using over my hair that way it dries faster. I then grabbed another towel and wrapped it around my body before leaving the bathroom as I walked back to my room so that I could get dressed for school.

Walking back inside my room I went towards the window and pulled the curtain over it. Don't want anyone getting a free show now would we?

Walking back towards my bed I grabbed my panties and put them on. For your information it doesn't have a bear print on it. I'm not that childish, but I'm not that adventurous enough to wear some risqué underwear either, so instead I picked the safe option and went for the stripes!

Come to think of it... I-It's actually pretty embarrassing describing the type of underwear I am wearing- Oh! I got bigger again... Tsk! I only got this bra like two months ago! Ugh! Whatever, I'll buy another set next week...

Putting on my black over knee socks I reached for my long sleeved, button down shirt and put it on after that I put on my magenta skirt. Next came the unnecessary (in my opinion) accessories. First, was the button down corset, then the black shoulder cape. Honestly this is too bothersome. Good thing from what I heard we would stop wearing the shoulder cape when summer hits. Two months left! You can do it me!

Finally finishing getting dressed I headed towards the kitchen to cook my breakfast.


Sizzle! Sizzle! Sizzle!

Flipping the egg on the pan-Dontbreakdontbreakdontbreak!





Whew! Safe!

Yes, I flip eggs and I quote Gremory-san "I like to live dangerously."

Dunno where she got that but it fits! 


I turned towards my toaster and grabbed the two toasted breads and placed them on a plate. I then turned to egg that I am currently cooking and noticed that it's done. Turning off the stove I carefully slid the cooked egg towards the plate where the toasted eggs are. After making the egg I then placed a few strips of bacon on the pan. After a while I finally finished making breakfast. I was about to place the plate on the dining table before changing my mind as I instead went towards the living room and placed the plate on the center table near the couch. Grabbing the remote I turned on the television just in time for the morning news to deliver the weather reading for today. Oh, ok that's nice... No rain today...

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