Chapter 53: The calm before the Storm V

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"Michael!" Metatron yelled as he barged into the large room where he knows his brother is at.

"You've finally returned from your training?" Michael stated rather than asked without looking at his brother who is garbed in ninja clothing. Reason why he didn't get to properly greet his brother that he haven't seen in a while is because of his attention is more focused on the object in front of him.

"Is it true? I felt a shift in the Heavenly System two weeks ago in a way that doesn't seem like it's your doing." Metatron said to his brother who is still looking at the strange floating object in front of him.

"You are correct. I wasn't responsible for the changes in the Heavenly System Metatron, as the change in the System I'm looking at right now is a change that I couldn't do." Michael said as he stared at one part of the object in front of him.

A part that he isn't capable of tweaking even by a little bit  since the death of their creator to this very day.

"Don't you think its..." Metatron muttered in a hopeful tone as he also looked at the floating object in front of Michael.

"Yes, I am certain that it is our creator who is responsible for this, as She was capable of miracles back then, even without the help of the Heavenly System. I wouldn't be surprised if She is could resurrect herself from the abyss as she did so before on her mortal body." Michael said with a hint of smile on his face as he turned to his brother.

"Yes, a mortal body that our beloved creator doesn't want to talk about." Metatron said with a chuckle.

"Metatron, have you heard of any information about Gabriel's whereabouts?" Michael asked changing the topic that doesn't concern the floating object next to him.

"No, I haven't heard a single thing about our dear sister since her disappearance almost a month ago." Metatron replied with a shake on his head.

"Same with you, huh." Michael said with a sigh.

"It's going to be okay, Michael. With Gabriel being the most closest to our creator in the past, then our beloved sister's chances are high in locating our creator due to her freely roaming the world at the moment." Metatron reassuringly said, fully confident that their creator is back.

"What I'm only curious about is why She hasn't showed herself to us yet." Michael said with a thoughtful frown on his face as he thought of the reasons why his creator hasn't come back them yet.

"She probably wishes for us to grow and develop by ourselves without her influence Michael... And She probably wishes for you to grow into a fine leader to lead us." Metatron said as he placed both of his hands on both of Michael's shoulders.

"There is a reason why she chose you to lead us rather than myself, Michael. Remember, I was her 'voice' back then." He added.

'I think I know why she chose me instead of you.' Michael thought while looking at his brother's choice of clothing that is out place given with all of the white in the room their currently in.

Metatron noticed his brother's gaze on his outfit and couldn't help but smile behind his mask.

"Would you like to try out this very versatile set of clothing -de gozaru?" Metatron asked, unaware of the dull look he's receiving from Michael.

"No, thank you. I don't think a..." Michael trailed off due to his lack of knowledge on Metatron's choice of clothing that seems to specialize on stealth, due to the black garb Metatron is wearing and the style it was worn that functions to physically hide the wearer's identity.

"Shinobi outfit." Metatron helpfully supplied.

"-Shinobi outfit is my style. No offence brother." Michael finished.

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