Chapter 92: Warrior Bunny Kingdom

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"I WANNA DIE!" A wail of despair sounded at the camp as Summer tried her hardest to convince the earth to swallow her whole.
Her hangover being practically non-existent compared to the sheer embarrassment she's feeling right now as memories from last night's party hit her like an isekai delivery service.

"Woooooh! Gimme a Rajang duo!" Summer's recorded voice yelled over Rias' phone as Ruby held it next to her mother.

"STOP! I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!" Summer desperately cried as she fruitlessly hit her head, hoping to knock herself out and end her embarrassment.

"No. It's a core memory. Cherish it." Ruby refused as she looked at her mother with stone-like expression on her face.

"Somehow, watching those two cured my hangover." Raven quietly said as she kept a healthy distance away from the mother-daughter duo.

Yang, who is standing next to Raven silently nodded as she carefully made herself unnoticeable, lest she get Ruby's attention.

'So that's what it looks like from an outsider's perspective.' Weiss thought, remembering when she would torment her sister, Winter the next morning after getting drunk from single glass of wine in a gala.

Rias herself felt self-conscious watching the two as she turned to her personal maid, "Blake, did I do anything embarrassing last night?"

"No, Rias-sama. You only cuddled with Red-sensei last night." Blake honestly replied without any signs of hangover, thanks to treating herself eith senjutsu.

"How's Akeno?" Rias asked with a wince after hearing another wail from Summer.

Looks like her youngest pawn is really mad at her mother.

"Still asleep, Rias-sama." Blake replied with a hint of smugness in her tone.

"Figured. Red did her dirty last night." Rias said, remembering Y/n slipping concentrated droplets of the sake he brought on Akeno's drink as a prank.

The sight of Akeno letting out a belly laugh at everything still made Rias contemplate of doing the same thing to her Queen in the future.

Payback for the teasing was Rias's main reason.

The other? Well... it's just funny.

'Red's type of pranking is seriously rubbing off me.' The redhead thought as she brought her attention back to her other peerage members as Ruby finally stopped tormenting her mother.







Because it's now Raven's turn on Summer.

Looks like her family is forming a line in bullying Summer. Better put a stop to it now before Summer actually kills herself.


"Suuu... Suuu..." several soft snores escape Enkidu's lips as she slept peacefully in one of the enchanted carriage's rooms.

Gil lightly sratched his head as he observed his care taker slept while hugging a bottle of sake to herself.

"Um... ano... Enkidu-san, please wake up. It's morning already." He said while lightly shaking the sleeping green-haired woman.

"You... promised..." Enkidu muttered in her sleep as she slightly turned away from Gil. Her eyes then fluttered open as she slowly woke up.

"Oh, Young Master." Enkidu said as she rubbed her eyes clean and sat up from her bed.

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