Chapter 90: A Short Vacation in the Special Region!

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"Oho? Pretty brave of you to come here~!" I happily said to Toshinori as the man himself looked to be in the verge of having his soul evicted from his body.

"This game is brutal." Toshinori weakly said as he handed me several fake bills upon landing on my property.

He recieved a pat on the back and an understanding look from Nana, who is his teammate in this game.

"Told ya'll gonna pay for not stopping from getting those blue properties." I smugly said to everyone playing, getting grumbles in return.

"I get the feeling of a free-for-all with this stupid board game but why is the board fighting me as well!?" Raven indignantly yelled after landing on the 'Go to Jail' tile, prompting a Emi to click her tongue at the missed opportunity to torment the woman.

"Don't worry, Ma! I got you!" Yang said as she flashed a 'Get out of Jail' card she's been holding on for several turns now.

"Oh." Raven's anger instantly dissipated as she idly patted Yang's head.

Rias then threw her dice as Akeno beside her held a card ready in case they also pull a Raven.

Luckily, for them they landed on a free red property. The two looked at one another in a wordless conversation before the two nodded together and handed the money to Hayasaka to buy the property.

"May you grow big and strong Kentucky. You're the key to this game!" Rias cooed.

"Ahaha... Go to boardwalk." Ruby let out a hollow laugh. While Summer tried to be cute and gave me a puppy-dog eyed look.

"Red-san, please..?"

"Hahaha! Blue tiles go brrrr!" I happily exclaimed as Emi held her hand expectantly at the poor mother and daughter duo.

Quite merciless of her, but you gotta do what you gotta do in these trying times.

Emi and I might be holding the lowest amount cash right now after buying several expensive properties. but the faces everyone makes when they land on those properties literally pays off.

"Imma put a hotel on it." I declared before Emi bopped me in the head.

"Later, Red. We haven't properly recovered yet." She patiently said to me.

Ah, yes. We have to put that in the late game so it hits like a truck.

"If you can recover at all!" Rory countered Emi, as she went and upgraded all of her green properties, while Souka looked to be doing some mental math in her head.

"Lets put another house on two of our oranges." Emi said to me as she went to give wads of bills to Hayasaka.

"How are you two still on the game after with those purchases every rotation?" Kaguya wondered at the playstyle that Emi and I employed.

A simple answer. Go big or go home.

Kanna-chan then rolled her die as luckily landed on her own property, barely missing a tax tile next to it and making Gil-kun wipe his forehead in relief.

What are you worried about, kid? That won't hurt you. Both of you and Kanna-chan are on the lead this entire time!

"We should've brought those railroads we landed on earlier." Emi said to me making me nod in agreement as I made everyone bid for it in the early game for the lols. Now, those two kids hold all of the pink properties and all four railroads in the board. I blame Hun for coaching on them.

I gave the woman a sour look, who replied with sticking her tongue out at me.

I will have my revenge.

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