The Meeting II

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"Fwueee...." A young voice cried in front of a great red dragon

"Calm down you brat!" A voice bellowed which coming from the dragon.

"Stop calling me Brat! My name is Rias!" The young voice now identified as Rias yelled back to the dragon in front of her.

"Whatever!" The dragon rudely dismissed Rias as a tick mark grew on her forehead. Gone was her despair and in place of it is her growing annoyance towards the dragon.

"Hmph! What are you doing here anyways?" Rias asked curious on how this dragon got into 'her' world.

"Hah!? Why should I even tell you!?" The dragon responded rudely making Rias grit her teeth in anger.

"Why you-! This is my world! Of course you should tell me what are you doing here!" Rias said ready to hit the being in front of her in anger.

"Ya know? You are the second one to say that same line to me." The dragon said as a certain dragon surfaced his mind for a few moments. Before Rias could say anything the dragon continued. "And by the way this place ain't yours brat. Because this place's been here before everything even existed so nobody owns this place!"

Rias then became quiet and lowered her head before softly saying " are you boing to kick me out?"

The dragon then snorted before irritably yelled. "Didn't you hear what I just told you damn brat!?


"I told you it's Rias! R.I.A.S get it right Baka-Dragon!" Rias yelled. Now with her irritation back.

"Really!? Even the name!? What are ya? A loli dragon!?" The dragon yelled as an annoying loli came to mind which even irritated it even further.

"Loli? What's that?" Rias asked innocently.

"It's nothing you need to know about brat!" The dragon said in a condescending manner in which the hidden insult just flew over Rias' head.

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Rias yelled.

"Calling you what?" The dragon asked 'innocently'.

💢 "BRAT!" Rias yelled again.

"I'm a Dragon not you!" The dragon countered making Rias suck her teeth in anger as angry tears starts to form in her eyes.

"SHUT UP! M-MEANIE DRAGON!" Rias yelled now fighting back.

The dragon just scoffed at the poor insult. "Really? Meanie? That's it? That's the best you got if so. Then that's just soo saaadddd..." The dragon mocked making Rias blush in embarrassment.

"S-Shut up! At least I'm not a meanie!" Rias shouted in embarrassment.

"Yeah, you're a brat alright..." The dragon said making Rias puff her cheeks in annoyance to the nickname.

"Well, one day I'm going to grow up pretty like Okaa-sama and I'll make you eat your words!"

"Hmph! Impossible..." The dragon said. Making Rias mouth form a grin and said. "Whatever you say! Baka-Dragon!" She she then stuck her tongue making the dragon's eye twitch.

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