Chapter 41: A Dragon in a Village II

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One word to describe the man I met last night. He is Scary with the capital "S". Why am I describing him like that?


After this dead idiot called us weaklings. Red-kun- No! A-ah-! Red! Yes, Red snapped. At first I thought he was just joking around about us holding him back until I saw murder in his eyes.

He was literally going to murder him! All of us then tried to hold him in place! Shion, Benimaru, Hakurou, Rigurd, Gobta and even Ranga who jumped out of my shadow tried to stop him. Though, Rory and Red's servants only watched in excited anticipation on what's about to happen.

He beat him to death.


Each punch were accurately placed to inflict the most damage he could do to Gabiru's body without killing him. After breaking every bone he could break he said to him before killing him.

I then for a moment felt a bit of his power. And at that moment a single thought went to my mind 'This is unrealistic!'

"For a mere lizard like you to call a Dragon God like me a weakling... It pisses me off..."

After hearing his race or title [Great Sage] made an announcement about an entirely new being in this world.

A True Dragon God. According to [Great Sage] a True Dragon God is an entirely new being. A being above all others. Above this so called Demon Lords. Even above the True Dragons like Veldora-san. It's scary to hear [Great Sage] herself a skill without emotions and only uses logic describe him as "...A being who will ALWAYS stand at the top of the world."

After hearing that made me swear to never mess with him.
Right now I'm staring at the aftermath of Red killing blow.


Nothing survived. Not even a speck of Gabiru's blood survived from that blow.


I don't think I would even survive from that one!

[Yes. It would effortlessly go through your Resist Physical Attack Skill.]

Thanks [Great Sage]!

"Whew! That releases most of my stress!" Red said while wiping a non existent sweat.

"All right back to business!" He said before his eyes began to glow gold.

What happened next will definately be engraved in everyone's memories forever.

The surrounding then fixed itself up as if it's going on replay. It's amazing! But what's more amazing than that is...

"I-I'm alive!?" Gabiru said in disbelief while checking his body for any injuries.

How!? How is this possible!?

He is capable of bringing the dead back to life!

"Gabiru!" "Uwaaahh!!! Gabiru!!!" "You're alive!"

I watched as Gabiru's friends unfroze and flocked around him in relief for him coming back to life.

Come to think of it we were all frozen stiff after Red grabbed Gabiru's throat. I guess Gabiru's fate was already sealed the moment Red-ku- the moment Red said he will kill him.

"So punk! Have you learned your lesson?" Red's voice placed me back to reality as Gabiru's men pathetically cowered behind him which I could understand.

Showing fear to someone like him is understandable. Even I would've fled the moment I sensed his unrealistic power, but for some reason I felt that I wasn't in any danger at all as if I trusted him that he won't hurt me.
Let's ignore the last part as i-it's just-

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