Chapter 65: Axel's new Adventurers!

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Upon arriving at the mess hall of the Adventurer's Guild, the first thing that James and Ozpin noticed was that most of the mess hall's occupants are currently sprawled on the floor as if they were all knocked aside by something.

"What happened here?" James asked aloud prompting an adventurer near him to answer.

"Some blind asshole came in and proceeded to knock everyone on their asses by running over us like a loose wagon!" He said while taking a swing on his mead.

"Yeah, that asshole knocked everyone over thrice now!" Another adventurer angrily said before standing up to wipe off the food that spilled on her clothing.

"Yeah! And for some reason, you didn't learn on the second time that he knocked you on your ass!" another adventurer replied, getting laughs from the people around him.

"Hey guys, have you seen the four that was with us?" James and Ozpin turned as Glynda walked up to them.

"What happened here?" Glynda ironically mirrored James' earlier question upon entering the mess hall.

"They said that someone wrecked the place." James said as he looked around the mess hall and sees Gabiru, Megumin, Cortana, and another blue-haired girl sitting at one of the tables at the far end of the hall. "I see the three of them. Follow me." He said before walking away from them.

"Oh, it's you three! Over here!" Gabiru waved them over upon spotting them.

Murmurs and whispers sounded within the hall as James, Glynda, and Ozpin walked towards Gabiru's table.

"Woah... Look! It's the Hunter Trio!" An unnamed thief-class adventurer said.

"They're back from their quest already!? Didn't they just finished one this morning?" A knight-class adventurer said in disbelief.

"They're of the few adventurers here in Axel that was granted the title of [Hunter]!" Another adventurer said.

"What's a [Hunter]?" A rookie adventurer asked one of his senior party members.

"A [Hunter] is a title granted to elite adventurers by the [Hunter's Guild]. They are one of the few people in the continent that are not tied to ANY of its kingdoms. It is an honorable title to bear, a title comparable to [Royal Guard]." An experienced adventurer replied to his kouhai.

 "Yeah, it's one of the reasons why people take adventuring as a choice of profession." A mage-class adventurer seconded.

Upon reaching Gabiru's table, James asked the no.1 rookie, "Where that Y/n fellow?"

"Great Red-sama? He went to grab a drink." Gabiru replied, getting a snort from Aqua.

"You mean, he went to knock people off their feet and then decided to grab a drink on the way." Aqua 'corrected', getting a giggle from Cortana.

'She definitely got it on point!.' Cortana thought in amusement.

"Hey, you!" Cortana's thoughts were interrupted by a yell.

Looking towards the source of the yelling, she saw a young man in his late teens, wearing a full set of blue-colored plate armor with gold gilded borders and a cape hanging from his shoulders. Overall, his appearance reminds Cortana of a knight.

Currently, said knight is marching angrily towards Y/n, with the latter appears to be walking back towards their table with a mug in hand.

Cortana nearly burst out laughing when Y/n just walked past the blue knight without even glancing at the angry knight's direction.

"You all done eating?" Y/n asked the group.

"Don't ignore me!" The knight yelled as he ran and placed himself in front of Y/n.

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