Chapter 27

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*Don!* *Don!* *Don!* *Boom!*


Loud noises echoed in the Training field as Y/n sparred with the four girls.

As Y/n dodged an attack from Tohru which is not really necessarry Kanna attacked from behind with a lightning ball.

As the lightning ball is about make contack with Y/n's back it suddenly phased through his body making Kanna's attack hit Tohru instead.

"Wha-*Boom!*" Tohru could only say as the lightning ball exploded on her sending sparks everywhere.

*Thud* "I'm okay!"

"Wait how did that not hit you?" Emi asked incredulously as she saw the attack pass through Y/n's body.

"Evasion + 2!" Y/n cheekily replied  confusing her.

"What?" Emi asked.

"It's a game thing where you get an invulnerablity window for a brief instant the moment you dodge making attacks pass through you!"  Rias explained as she yelled from her spot while still trying to do the first step of her training.

"How's it going so far Rias?" Y/n yelled mockingly at her as Rias could only let out a frustrated yell making
Y/n laugh at her frustration.



As I was laughing at Rias training progress I heard Artoria yell something making me turn to her-

"EKUSUPUROSHON!" A familiar spell came from her lips as-


A powerful explosion erupted on the ground I'm standing on covering my view in a fiery inferno.

Ekusupuroshon... Ekusupuroshon... Wait...
That's some solid reference she made just now! She's a waifu material!

'Really!?' A femenine voice asked in my distracted mind.

Yea! If she could throw those kind of references around accidental or not she's a waifu material in my books!
Ah, the calm before the storm-

"KYAAAAAA!!!" Artoria squealed loudly that it also blew away the fire surrounding me.

"M-me as Darling's wife! Yes! A thousand times yeeesSSS!" Artoria's power flared a bit making me worry.

"Sensei?" "A-Artoria-san!?" I heard Emi and Tohru's worried voices as the fiery inferno cleared.

As I turned to their voices I spotted Artoria emitting a worrying amount of power that made me bolt towards her.

I'm that not worried that she might hurt me because I know that I could just easily tank through the worst damage that she could inflict on me. What I'm worried about is that she might break her cover as a normal human that's aware of the existence of the supernatural world.

I then released a bit of my power, enough to overpower and cover her power with mine.

As I reached her I immediately shook her while holding on her shoulders.

"OI! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!!!" I yelled at her face but, unfortunately I didn't work.

I guess I have to knock her out then...

I then moved behind her and 'Karate chopped' the back of her neck.

*Chop!* "-Ow!?"
That didn't work? Huh, I guess that only works on movies.

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