Chapter 66: The 1,600,000 Eris Quest!"

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After departing for their quest Y/n's party crossed the [Green Plains]. To Aqua's surprise she finds their there journey enjoyable, as with the company of her party, she was able to take down some of the Giant Frogs that came too close to them, without the risk of being eaten.

"[Fire shot!]" Aqua cried, launching a medium-sized fireball towards an approaching Giant Frog.

The oversized amphibian let out a high-pitched croak of pain before being skewered in the head by a thrown trident, courtesy of Gabiru.

"I still find it strange that your weapon could easily pierce the skin of a Giant Frog when its skin has a high resistance towards bladed weapons." Megumin remarked.

"That's because the quality of my weapon easily surpasses the quality of regular weapons found in Axel." Gabiru proudly replied.

"Hey, let's harvest this one. We might fetch some good money for this, if we sell the parts we harvested when we get back." Aqua said to the group.

'This honestly feels like I'm on an Expedition Quest.' Y/n thought to himself as he watched everyone harvest the carcass.

He also watched how Cortana seemed to have found something and raises it up as if she had found a precious gemstone.

"Found a gem?" Y/n jokingly asked.

"I think so?" Cortana replied uncertainly as she stared at the faintly glowing crystal in her hand.

"Woah! You got a monster gem out of that thing? That's so lucky!" Aqua and Megumin said with slight envy on their voices.

"Good job, Cortana-sama! A monster gem, even from a low-class monster like this one would fetch a good price if you sell it to the guild!" Gabiru happily said.

"Tch. Beginner's luck!" Megumin whispered under her breath.

A half an hour of walking later, they have finally reached the edge of the plains where trees began to grow more common in the area.

Seeing a dirt road nearby, Gabiru told the group to use the road.

"Ah, yes, use the road. We shouldn't encounter some hooded wraiths here." Y/n remarked, much to Cortana's amusement.

"There shouldn't be any wraiths in this area. Wraiths normally reside in dungeons, so it is almost impossible to encounter one out in the open." Aqua replied, missing the giggle that escaped Cortana's lips.

"I don't think Great Red-sama should worry about those. He had defeated beings a thousand times more stronger than these wraiths." Gabiru proudly said.

Noticing something, Megumin asked Gabiru, "Ne, Gabiru. Why do you call Red here 'Great Red'?"

"It's because that is Great Red-sama's full name. Great Red-sama just prefers to referred to as Red instead. Honestly, what a humble being he really is!" Gabiru enthusiastically replied.

'Nah, I'm just tired with the long name.' Y/n thought.

"Gabiru-san, is there a village near the lake where we are going?" Cortana suddenly asked.

"Yes. There is an Elven village near the lake, Cortana-sama. The road we are using is a road constructed by that same Elven village as a way to establish trade with Axel and the Warrior Bunny Kingdom."

The mention of the Warrior Bunny Kingdom both caught Y/n and Cortana off-guard.

"Warrior Bunny Kingdom? How far is it from the Elven village?" Y/n asked.

"Hmm, it should be around 2 or 3 days worth of travel to get there."Gabiru replied.

"I guess we could head thereafter we're done with this quest. It's been a while since I've last been there." Y/n said.

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