Chapter 12: Please Forgive Me

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I feel sick to my stomach.

I have been sick after I "regained my consciousness". I spent a few minutes in the bathroom after Elliot was removed from the gym. Just not for the same reason as the rest of the team.🤭

And while they relieved themselves from Elliot's heat, I was literally being sick.

Though, to be fair, I needed a release too. But I was too ill to even think about it.

Ironically, I didn't vomit because I kissed a guy - though that doesn't help matters much - but an omega? Ew.

Afterwards, I took my shower and went to the cafeteria for lunch. But Simon was nowhere to be found. In fact, I didn't see him since he screamed at me and his boyfriend making out.

This is bad.

This is really bad.

It never once occurred to me that Simon could betray me. Honestly, he's just always been there for me, no questions asked.

But what I could never have anticipated is that I would be the one to betray him. Especially with a guy. I've never seen that coming.

"Where's Si?" - Ash asked me as soon as she saw me in the cafeteria. We went to get some food while I looked at her in deep remorse.

"Something happened while we're training today." - I started, making her frown in worry.

"What? Is he okay?" - She asked me in a concerned tone. She seemed worried and puzzled as to why I looked so horrified.

"No." - I replied and the tears started flowing from me. I couldn't help it.

Ash hugged me and inquired what's going on. She looked at me deeply worried.

Have you ever tried to explain to your girlfriend how you're caught making out with another guy?

Yeah... me neither. But I've seen this film before. I'm not so square that I don't understand sexuality. I know it's a spectrum and not always we're simply straight or gay. Sometimes we're something in between, like Simon. And I'm fine with it. I'm not in the closet or anything like that.

Honest to Goddess, it's not even about him being a guy. I mean, it's not the worst part. Nor him being an omega is, though it comes really close.

But the worst part is actually this gut wrenching feeling I have that I've just betrayed my best friend. That's absolutely the worst.

After we sat at our table and I explained to Ash everything, she stared at me silently for a minute.

"I didn't do it on purpose, I swear!" - I reiterated, still tearing up. I felt her judging stare at me, though that could be my own guilt talking.

"I know, Felix. I know you. Even if you were interested in guys, you would never do that to Simon." - She spoke, looking at me worriedly.

She nailed it in the head. I wouldn't. Ever.

That made me cry harder. I could barely eat, but I was too hungry not to. Especially after earlier in the bathroom.

She hugged me from her seat. I knew that she being a werewolf too and understanding how heat works she'd forgive me eventually.

But she didn't see me kissing Elliott like Simon did. He was wrecked the last time I saw him. His face was so devastated I thought he'd collapse at the gym.

"He'll get over it. You'll see." - Ash consoled me in an empathetic tone.

I tried to recollect myself the best I could and carry on. By the time I finished brushing my teeth, the school was buzzing about me and Elliot together.

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