Chapter 29: Teenage Kicks

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I haven't heard back from Felix since I dropped that bombshell at our date on Saturday.

Basically, we shifted into wolves, ran back and ate the rest of the food of the picnic in silence. Then, he dropped me off at my house and kissed me on the cheek.

I knew he'd be shocked because of my suggestion. Simon was and he's bi. He had never done it as well but even so, he's much more open sexually speaking than Felix, who only has been with one girl until now.

Hey, I'm surprised with myself too, you know?

I have always dreamed about being intimate with my mate and finally letting my guard down with someone, without the worry of getting pregnant. An unmated pregnancy, I mean.

I've always wanted this day to arrive. So why did I have to fuck it up with a suggestion like that? To a "straight" boy, no less?

Well, it's complicated.

I could say it's vengeance for comparing me to a horse. But it isn't. I'm not that petty. And that was never his mindset, as I have learned.

I could say it has something to do with him being the (future) Alpha. And my desire to subdue him, humble him somehow. But it isn't. That's never been my narrative. I only ever wanted people to respect me as an individual and as an omega. That's all.

I don't have any residual bad feelings against him. Not at all. I didn't even want him to beg me at my doorstep the way he did.

I've told you y'all. That's not my kink.

So why don't I fulfill my wish and bottom for my mate?

Well, the answer is actually much simpler.

I did it once (or twice) and I liked it.

I would have liked to try it with any person that was mated to me, regardless of their station.

Would I prefer it to be Simon?


Would I bottom for him gladly as well?

100%. I was looking forward to it.

Do I still wanna bottom for my actual mate?

Of course. Hell yeah!

Do I need to top him first?

No, I don't. But I do need to practice what I preach. I can't tell Brandon to not be afraid to ask for what he wants in his relationship and be scared of my own mate's reaction to what I want from ours.

Now, do I think I'm getting my wish?

Not sure, to be honest. I may have freaked him out too much.

Am I going to reject him if he doesn't?

Absolutely not!

I'm not rejecting my mate. That's not what this is about. It's not a power play. It's about knowing what you want and asking for it. But I need to be prepared for a no.

I don't want him to feel forced into it. If he doesn't enjoy it, I won't as well. Then, the point is moot. He needs to want to at least try it with me.

If not, it'd sound like a punishment for something. And that's the furthest thing from my mind.

If I have to punish him for something, I'd rather do it on the mat. Not that coach put us against each other anymore.

I miss crushing his delicate Alpha sensibility.

On Monday, I arrive at school and go greet my friends. I talk to them for a minute to catch up before Felix arrives and I go meet him.

"Good morning, mate. Are you alright? I hope I didn't traumatize you." - I say with a playful tone and smile.

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