Chapter 24: Only Love Can Hurt Like This

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I am wrecked. Destroyed. Devastated.

I am the shadow of the happy carefree boy I was until last Sunday.

After I watched Felix humiliate himself before his mate to avoid rejection and seeing his state, I felt guilty for some reason. I was miserable for myself first and then for my best friend.

No matter how hard I wish he wasn't mated to Elliot, I can't bring myself to wish rejection on anyone. For any reason whatsoever.

So yeah... I'm wrecked. And I'm not even thinking about Beta right now. I just know what Alpha means to him.

I crawled inside my bedroom after a hot shower when I got home and stayed there.

I didn't eat, I didn't move, I didn't do anything. I just sobbed. I cried myself to sleep that night.

The next morning, I got downstairs for breakfast, silent and brooding. My parents tried to start a conversation but I was monosyllabic, at best.

"It will pass, son." - Dad consoled me. Mom looked sad for me as she fed the baby.

"Maybe, but I think Felix is getting rejected." - I told my dad, who gasped. Mom too. Even Johnny.

"What? How do you know this?" - Dad asked worriedly.

"I went to Elliot's house yesterday and Felix was at his door. You should've seen him, dad. He was wrecked and Elliot asked him if needed an audience for the rejection. But they didn't know I was there, I was just observing from a distance." - I explained to him, who was gobsmacked at the revelation.

"Goddess, this is bad! If Felix gets rejected, he can't be Alpha! Poor boy!" - Dad gasped in a deep sorrowful tone.

"Yeah... tell me about it! I've never seen him so wrecked like he was yesterday at Elliot's doorstep. Honestly, it was hard to watch. He begged him not to, but Elliot was adamant." - I said in a deep pained tone, reminding me of the scene.

"I'm sorry, son. I know this means you won't be Beta." - Dad said, looking at me with pity.

"That's the least of my worries. I don't think Felix will survive if he loses Alpha." - I stated, making my family gasp in shock.

My parents tried to comfort me the best they could, before dad left for the pack house.

After breakfast, I walked around the neighborhood to try to clear my head.

Maybe work up the courage to visit Felix. I'm sure he's wrecked about it and in dire need of his best friend. Though nothing can get me to forget about Elliot.

I thought about all the plans I had in mind and all the Tuesday we would do together during the break. Honestly, that hurts me the most. I'm a sexual person, I can't hide. I like what I like and I like it a lot.😏

But now Tuesday is just a word meaning the day after Monday.

Tears started to stream down my face as I walked alone on a Thursday. I got back to my house. I'm in no shape to see anyone, let alone Felix.

The day went by in a mix of trying to distract myself, sobbing uncontrollably and desperate masturbation to a picture of Elliot I took on my phone when he wasn't looking. We're never much for sexting, so the best that I could do was a shirtless pic of him.

On Friday, Christmas' Eve, I put on a brave face and marched to the pack house to face my best friend. I need to get this over with. Better now than never. I walked up to the front door - I drove there, but parked the car in the garage first - and was on my way inside when the warrior on guard dissuaded me of the idea.

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