Chapter 31: War

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I'm furious.

If there's one thing I hate in this world is people being outed against their wishes. Even though we're werewolves and it's not that big of a deal like it is with humans. Not really.

Still, I hate it. It feels like a violation of trust.

Not that Brandon blamed me in any way. He assured me of that when I apologized to him for Felix's inappropriate question to Marcus.

Anyway, the important thing is that they're both happy with each other and going strong for now. I do hope they get to stay this way, though either of them can be mated away from each other any day now.

Trust me, this I know.

Speaking of mates, Felix surprised me yesterday when he dropped by my house talking about the dangers of delayed mating.

Now, I would like very much to say he's crazy, too horny or whatever. But I know he's right. I can feel the looks I'm getting from some of the boys at practice. Not to mention their sore muscles.

I understand that if I keep this up I will be kicked off the team. That's not what wrestling is about. Even though we train in advance combat, it's not about hurting anyone of ours, it is about preparing yourself to inflict pain on others, if necessary.

And even I can tell I've been snappy lately.

I also know that what he said about me being in danger of breaking into heat earlier than expected is VERY true.

I mean, I am an omega and it is my nature. So I don't need anyone else to explain that for me. Thank you very much.

This scares me the most. Not the idea of heating up with my mate. I look forward to that, but being in heat can cause me to do things I'm not equipped for at the moment.

And by that I mean I don't wanna get pregnant. Not now. I'm only 17. Let me live a little. This isn't the 50's.

So... I worry for myself. And Felix is right to worry about me. How sweet of him.

But we made a plan for Saturday and I'm good to go. I have been ready for quite some time, to be honest. I just needed some adjustments to the game plan. And if he indeed is okay with me topping, then I'm golden.

Yesterday after we talked for a long time, we also had some fun as well. Any chance I have to spend alone and naked with my mate, I'll take it. And we had a blast.

My parents knew he was here the second they entered our house, but they didn't comment on it. For once. And I'm glad they didn't. But they did ask me how our relationship is progressing and I told them it was fine. We're getting along well, mostly.

When I got to school on Wednesday, I was well and relaxed. Feeling good about myself for making it work with Felix. Now we have a date and a plan.

I greeted my friends and we talked about the latest news and updates. Rachel is dating a boy from another school who she met during the holidays break and she's happy.

Nicholas is crushing on one of his classmates, now that his nemesis crush went cold. But they're too slow for my taste. Though, to each their own.

Brandon is radiant with Marcus now that they're out in the open. And he told me that he did ask for what he wanted out of the relationship. So, he's happy and I am for him.

Liv is quiet for the most part and no one wants to push her or say something inappropriate. Especially me. But I have to say something.

"Liv, you are more than entitled to try something with someone else. Anyone. You don't need to hold yourself back until April. You're a beautiful girl and deserving." - I told her, choosing my words carefully.

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