Chapter 28: Radioactive

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It's not good.

After the most awkward reunion ever and the most uncomfortable time in the locker room since the boys first discovered I was bisexual and that doesn't mean I wanted to be with everyone I meet, boy or girl.

It's funny how there's this misconception about bisexual people like somehow we're undecided. Like we have too much to choose from the buffet and for that reason we're never satisfied with just one gender.

That's completely ludicrous!

Being bisexual doesn't mean you can't settle with one of the genders. Or that you want everyone all the time. Or that if I stay with one, I'll miss the other.

It doesn't work that way. Not at all.

Yes, I do have more options. But whether I am with a girl or boy, they become my focus and get all my love. I don't look for another gender to "complete me" or to fulfill any sort of "gap".

Not in the slightest. We have the same capability for monogamy than any other person. More options don't equate to inability to be with just one.

Although now, to be perfectly honest, I kinda wish I was this player everyone thinks I am.

Yes, I played the field. But I've never deceived anyone. Or stayed with more than one person at the same time.

Without their knowledge, at least.

But seeing Felix and his mate getting hard for each other in the shower was the lowest point of my life so far.

Even though that had nothing to do with me.

Now, after Felix apologized for basically calling Elliot a breeding mare or something, they're back on track to soon complete the bond.


I can't even imagine that. But they can't escape it either. It's part of life. The mated life.

Actually, it's surprising they haven't done it yet. Though if you factor in Felix's "heterosexuality", it's not that shocking. It's a twist, for sure.

Anyway, now they're on their date and I'm here, alone and in hell. Thinking about stuff I shouldn't be thinking about. Just because.

And with more than a month till my birthday, this isn't gonna be over anytime soon.

Not nearly as fast enough for me to get this over with. And get over them together. Or at the very least, get over Elliott.

This is really fucking me up.

I wish there's a switch I can flip to turn me off of him. I wish to Goddess that existed. I guess this is why teen wolves shouldn't date before mated.

Right. Who can wait until 18 anyhow?

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