Part 4

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The black-colored placket on the chest is sticky and wet, and the range of dark marks is still expanding.

The smell of blood gradually revealed in the air is getting stronger and stronger...

Qi Yan's face is also getting paler.

He floated here along the river and stopped temporarily in this abandoned earth temple.

However, it is not a place to stay for a long time... The group of people did not find him, and they will continue to expand the search area along the river.

The slender eyelashes cast a shadow,

what he had to do had not been completed, how could he have died so easily...

Turning his head, he glanced lightly at the depths of the jungle.

The fog is lingering, and after a rain, deep enough for anything to happen in the mountains,

many ferocious beasts are lurking in their dens or bushes; this is a good time for them to hunt.

Now that my wounds are bleeding profusely, the smell of blood can easily attract these beasts...

A deep smile crossed the corners of my mouth.

Compared with humans, beasts who have no wisdom and only rely on their instincts are much more friendly


Sunshine Through the towering giant trees, a few tiny rays of light are sprinkled, and the weeds next to it are tall and lush enough to bury people.

When it rained heavily at first, the animals hibernated.

The roars of various beasts in the dense forest were now very active and could be heard gradually.

It seems that we must find a cave that can shelter quickly...

Qi Yan carefully looked around at the surrounding environment.

That year, he escaped from the palace in the fire that deliberately killed him.

For a long time,

he spent in the deep mountains.

There are dangers and crises everywhere... He has survived, and this time is the same.



【PeiPei Zai...】The system said softly.

the cub, who was nesting in the haystack, turned over and went back to sleep.


It's been a while since came to this wolf's den.

There are many wild beasts in the mountains, and there are dangers everywhere.

At night, the temperature plummeted and it was even colder.

These days,

...  looked at Cub Cub's chubby face and the flesh on her arms and legs.

Forgive it for not being able to say that she has been having a bad life these days.

Before, the cub slept most of the time, it was a little worried and went to the parenting books to read it; only then did he know that human cubs need a lot of sleep during the period, which is said to be conducive to the development of physical and mental health.

On the side, the wolves were playing and chasing each other.

They have learned to be good now, and they don't disturb her sleep by noisy next to the cub.

Why are you so sensible?

It's a lesson in blood and tears.

Once, they woke the hairless cub when she was still asleep...


no more.

What is there except that the result is more severe retaliation.

Don't think that the little dragon cub is easy to bully, that she can't do anything when she is still a cub!


Wolves are nocturnal animals, and night is their best hunting time.

The female wolves take care of the cubs inside the cave, and the rest of the wolves rest outside the cave or patrol the territory to guard their homes...


the raised wolf ears moved slightly, and there was a slight "Xixisuoso" from the woods outside. The voice...

the nimble wolf legs kicked, and immediately jumped onto the boulder.


The alpha wolf noticed that humans had invaded their territory, and immediately howled to warn the group.

The silver-gray back hair is erect, revealing sharp wolf teeth, the tail is flat, and the sharp eyes flash with cold light, always ready to pounce on the enemy's throat...

The person on the opposite side is not afraid of the threat of the alpha wolf, dark and deep eyes Look closely at it.

The sharp long sword in his hand kept reflecting a terrifying light.

At this time, it is not one person and one wolf,

but two beasts are competing against each other...

The first wolf and Qi Yan are facing each other, while the group of wolves are closely surrounding the human who has entered their territory, always vigilant, and dare not attack for a while. .

The wind was rustling, and the leaves were rustling.

Inside the cave, the she-wolf was on guard, guarding the entrance of the cave.

The fur on the wolf cubs exploded, and they scratched their deciduous teeth.

Following the example of other older wolves, he showed his most ferocious expression and kept barking outside.

The atmosphere at this time was extremely tense...

except for the cub who was sleeping all over the place and didn't know what was going on.

The system has been observing the situation outside.

After all, this is related to the safety of the cub's life...


that human does not seem to be ordinary.

He took a serious look at the man who was surrounded by wolves, but his expression remained unchanged.

what! It remembered!

In the small world of a book, since there are male protagonists and female protagonists, there must also be villains.

Qi Yan, the biggest villain in the world, the current emperor of Qi.

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