Untitled Part 109

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However, it didn't take long for Brother Huai to sit still because of the nature of children. He held the pen in his hand, looked at the crooked strokes on the paper, raised his head again, and glanced at his mother quietly.

Outside the window, Madam Su was concentrating on the embroidered handkerchief in her hand.

While his mother was bowing her head to embroider, Brother Huai hurriedly hid the bad characters under the paper. After all, children are just children. Although Mrs. Su was looking at the embroidery in her hands, she was actually paying attention to her son.

Hearing the rustling of paper, she put the embroidery in her hand on the stone table, stood up, and walked to the window. Looking at the word that was just written on the new paper, she couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Brother Huai." 

The boy's hand tightened on the pen and slowly raised his head, looking nervously at the person in front of him, and whispered, "Mother..."

Madam Su looked at her son and sighed softly. With a sigh, she took a few steps closer and said, "Show your mother what you wrote just now." 

The boy hesitated for a long time, seeing the woman's increasingly serious expression, he dawdled and broke his writing. The large print of ' was torn from under a stack of paper.

Madam Su reached out and took it, looked at it carefully, and frowned. Before his mother could speak, Brother Huai immediately said, "Mother, I will write well from now on."

Brother Huai knew that he wasn't paying attention just now. Much worse than before.

In the end, Mrs. Su still didn't say anything serious, but just asked the boy to rewrite it again. She walked back to the stone table and sat down again, picked up the embroidery on the table, and sighed softly, "Don't blame your mother for being strict, you're going to enter the school soon and should put away your playfulness." 

The boy pouted, holding the pen, and said a little aggrievedly: "I know, mother."

Just in time, Xiang'er came out of the stove to get the firewood. Seeing how the two of them looked, she couldn't help but persuade softly, "Madam, Brother Huai is still young, and it is his nature to love to play." 

Madam Su sighed, "I don't know, but..."

The needle in her hand stopped, her expression stunned, her eyes filled with tears unconsciously, as if she was caught in some sad memory.

Seeing this, Xiang'er on the side didn't dare to say anything, just lowered her head and muttered: "If this person was born in the duke's mansion and is precious and precious, where would he need to suffer like this..."

The cub sat on the big tree trunk, dangling her little feet.

It seems that we can't have fun together. But it doesn't matter, without this friend, there will be more friends waiting. flexibly went down of the jujube tree in three or two times, the cub ran into the yard and smiled at Ah Qing, 

"I want to eat jujube cake."

Zaizai sat on a small bench in the yard, holding a cup in both hands, drinking jujube nectar water in small sips. A pair of clear and bright black eyes blinked, looking eagerly at the big steamer in the stove, patiently waiting for the fragrant jujube cake to come out of the pot.

soft and glutinous pastries, full of sweetness.

Ah Qing's craftsmanship is very good, and the cub eats one bite after another, smiling and bending his eyes.

"Slow down, be careful not to get scalded."

Ah Qing brought a few plates of snacks, and couldn't help laughing when she looked at the cub. It is also a great satisfaction to see the food she make so loved by others.

The cub nibbled at the date cake and drank the sweet nectar water. While eating, she looked at A Qing and suddenly laughed lightly.

Seeing the little girl's appearance, Ah Qing touched her face and forehead, couldn't help but wonder if she had accidentally got some ashes from the stove just now. Seeing that there were no ash stains on her hands, she couldn't help but ask, 

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