Untitled Part 112

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The dissatisfaction and resentment that had accumulated in the Li family and the family who fled south together at the beginning broke out.

Thinking of the 100-acre fertile farmland in Huangjiao, the dozens of prosperous shops on Suzaku Street, and the large mansion with five entrances and three exits that several generations lived in...

Now, all of them are gone.

The so-called scar is healed and then the pain is forgotten.

As a result, the old nobles who fled south were dissatisfied with their current situation, and secretly began to think about doing things.

The court did not punish them severely. Although the members of the old aristocratic families could not be reinstated, they still had equal opportunities to participate in the scientific examinations and martial arts selections like other commoners.

They can re-enter officialdom on their own merits.

Li Chengxuan returned to the army in this way. Talent is always useful. Originally, he was confident and arrogant, believing that by virtue of his talent, he could always revive the family's former prestige.

However, Li Chengxuan had forgotten that in the past, he had the identity of the prince of the uncle, and no matter where he went, everyone would always respect him first.

Now without the halo of the Prince of Bofu, he must go through round after round of selection and promotion just like other plain-headed people who were born with grass. Be careful and respectful in everything and plan carefully. No one will open the back door for him again, and no one will curry favor with him.

He has to work together in a tent with a group of fighters who were previously only fit for his entourage.

This made the noble son of a famous family psychologically unacceptable. A group of country men who didn't know a big character and behaved vulgarly and savagely with him all day long. Whatever Li Chengxuan looked at, it seemed like a mockery.

Thinking that he was the first time to do an errand, it was the Governor of the Frontier Battalion who was directly appointed by His Majesty the Emperor. When he was out, a team of personal guards waited on the side; lighting fires to collect firewood, arresting prisoners, and killing people with knives, all without his own shot.

But now, looking at a group of big-footed men around the tent, full of sweat and smell, Li Chengxuan's brows furrowed even tighter.

This way of ascending from the bottom step by step is too slow, too long, too...

Li Chengxuan can't bear it any longer, and his mere fifth-rank official position cannot satisfy him. Similarly, the other old noble children could not accept such a day.

The rotten boat also has 3,000 nails.

The old aristocrats also had their own private forces. They united with a group of feudal literati who were dissatisfied with the court's new policies, and were preparing to protest in rebellion.

The ultimate goal, of course, is that if the imperial court can be overthrown, the rebellion will be the best. If it doesn't work, it will force the court to restore the former power and interests of the old nobles.

But the wheel of history can only go forward, not backward. 

Since the promulgation of the new government policy, thousands of ordinary people have benefited a lot, the old policy has become a thing of the past.

The old nobles only saw that their own interests were damaged, but never reflected on themselves.


Regarding the secret actions of these old nobles, Ah Qing immediately sent a letter back to the imperial city.

Li Chengxuan is now a military commander in the Nanda Camp. He has soldiers and horses under his command. Although there are not many, they are enough to cause trouble in a city.

I'm afraid, he still has reinforcements.

Cubzai felt Ah Qing's nervousness and understood the seriousness of the matter.

In the past few days, Brother Huai came to find cubs to play with a bunch of gadgets such as cloth tigers and wooden swords Li Chengxuan gave him.

The little boy had troubles, but no one could tell him, so the little girl in the neighbor's house became the object of his voice.


Brother Huai sighed a long time, his tender little face had a sentimentality that did not belong to his age.

He picked his little finger, frowned, and asked the people in front of him:

"Peipei, what do you think I should do? Should I choose Daddy Li? Or should I choose Uncle Lin? I still like Uncle Lin, you don't know, Uncle Lin treats me so well, not only let me Sitting on his shoulders to play, he will also take me to ride a big horse. Do you know how to ride a big horse? That's the kind of thing, Xiaohuzi said, his father made him a big horse, and Xiaohuzi rode on his father's back, Driving..."

Brother Huai danced and kept gesturing,

"Before, Little Huzi joked about me, saying that no one would be a horse for me. After Uncle Lin knew about it, he immediately agreed to be a horse for me, and Every time he came back from a long trip, he would bring me a lot of little toys..."


There was an embarrassed expression on the little boy's fair and cute little face, "My mother... she seems to be more like Daddy Li... you say, what should I do?"


Zaizai quietly played the role of a listener, without making any comments on this.

Brother Huai was a little unhappy, "I already gave you the little wooden sword to play with, why don't you help me think of a way?"

Zizai silently turned her head and looked at the little wooden sword in her hand, she didn't expect it to be white play.

With a helpless expression on her face, she spread her hands and said, "I haven't seen your Uncle Lin..."

She and Ah Qing had just moved here for a few months, and had never met the Uncle Lin that Brother Huai spoke of. . 

For people you don't know, Cubzai generally doesn't make comments.

"Yeah, Uncle Lin went away. You haven't met Uncle Lin, so you don't know how good Uncle Lin is..." Brother White lowered his head in frustration and muttered to himself.

Looking at the innocent little boy in front of her, Zizai pursed her lips, okay, for the sake of you playing with me.

"Although I haven't met your Uncle Lin, but..."

Li Chengxuan, She had seen, but the cub didn't like it.

No reason, just don't like it.

It's not because his eyes are on the top of his head!

In the past few days, Brother Huai often came over to play with the cubs.

As Su Li Niang's neighbor and his son's little playmate, Li Chengxuan sent someone to conduct a comprehensive investigation on Ah Qing and Cub. There is nothing suspicious about a widow who is alone with her daughter to make a living after losing her husband.

Of course, Ah Qing had already taken care of everything in the dark. What Li Chengxuan investigated was just what Ah Qing showed to others.

Seeing Brother Huai who was so dirty playing with the cubs, Li Chengxuan thought of his sister's son at home. The child has been served by several grandmothers since he was born, and now he is about the same age as Brother Huai. Not only are there two dedicated little bookboys to accompany him to read, but there are also a group of young sons of the same noble birth who communicate and have fun together. It's so sad to read the book and his own son, the serious son of the duke, can only play with the daughter of a vulgar widow here...

Li Chengxuan feels more and more indebted to the wife and son.

Perhaps he felt that the child did not understand anything, but Li Chengxuan had never concealed his emotions in front of the cub.

Of course, the old son of the noble family has learned etiquette and morality, and will not clearly say to the cub that you are from a humble background and are not worthy of playing with my son.

However, those arrogant and contemptuous eyes, that act of turning a blind eye... It's hard not to make people feel disgusted with him.

Children are very sensitive to the emotional changes of adults. Sometimes, with just one look and one action, you can immediately notice that the other person doesn't like you.

If the cub is really just the daughter of an ordinary widow, I am afraid that Li Chengxuan's intentional or unintentional behavior has made her feel inferior and sad.

Fortunately, she is not an ordinary cub.

The likes and dislikes of others are not important to the peipei. She likes herself just fine...

Anyway, this person is the grasshopper in the autumn, and it won't be long before he jumps.

Would you care about a piece of stinky shit?

Of course not, is it possible to step back?

The correct way is to dig a hole and bury him directly so that he can no longer be disgusting.

Li Chengxuan wanted to take Brother Huai to play in other places many times, but was rejected by his son with a face of resistance.

Looking at the "stinky shit" with a sad face because of the unfamiliar relationship between father and son, Cub said silently in his heart: "

Wait a minute,

this hole has to be dug a little bigger, and all the disgusting things have to be buried all at once. just fine.

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