Part 98.

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Carloads of luggage were loaded onto horses. Compared to the previous desertion, there was a continuous stream of cars and horses in front of Phoenix Street.

Thinking back to the past, at this moment there should be laughter and joy; however, at this time, everyone is frowning and looking worried.

"Be careful with all of them!"

"Hurry up! Be quick!"

The woman who was supervising the loading of the trucks saw that one of the boxes was about to fall over, so she hurriedly stepped forward to check, and scolded the person who was walking unsteadily:

" Everyone said be careful! Be careful! didn't hear anything! All of them were rough! They said there were precious china in the box! If you break one, you won't be able to pay for it!"

The boy who was in charge of the transportation stood there with his head lowered, his whole person looked dejected and taciturn. He looked like a big man, and the old woman who was more than a head shorter than him kept poking with her fingers and didn't answer. .

After a long time, when the old woman had enough scolding, she opened her mouth and squeezed out a sentence.

"Can we also go to the south with us?"

Mrs. Liu was stunned when she heard this, and then sneered: "Zhao Heizi, what are you thinking about! There are so many servants in this house, people like you, even more There is no shortage, there are several members of the family, where can bring them all!"

She was different, serving by the old lady's side for so many years, if she was left behind, even the old lady couldn't justify it.

Her man was in charge outside, so he couldn't go with Lord Hou and the others, but this time, she had to rely on the reason she was in front of the old lady to bring the whole family along.

I heard that the rebels are about to attack soon, if they stay, they may not be able to save their lives. Thinking about how many innocent passers-by in the city suffered together when the third prince and the fourth prince were in chaos before, when I think about it up to now, I can't help but feel scared. If you can go to the south together, you can continue to live a good life, everyone in the house thinks so. 

But, along the way, where can you follow so many people. Therefore, many of the servants in the house had to stay. Read the accounts.

During this period of time, people who were in a hurry were stuffing money everywhere to find a way, thinking that they could follow along.

Several people have already begged Mrs. Liu here, hoping that she could have a good word in front of the old lady, or that her family could bring a few more people.

Zhao Yi got the answer from Mrs. Liu's mouth, the whole person looked extremely depressed. He turned his head and resumed his work in silence.

In Hou's mansion, Du Yunniang, the mistress of the house, was sorting out the account books and the things that had to be resolved inside and out had already made her dizzy.

After Liu Xu served the tea, she did not leave immediately. She hesitated for a long time, then murmured:

"Husband, madam..."

"What's the matter? Did someone ask you to come? Or do you want you to send me a message?" Didn't even lift it.

Liu Xu lowered her head and said in a low voice, "We are going to leave soon, but Miss Seven has not been found yet? Why don't you continue to look for her?"

Du Yunniang's movements suddenly stopped.

For a long time, no one spoke again.

Liu Xu looked at her wife with an uneasy look. After Miss Qi disappeared, the Hou Mansion sent many people to look for her, but so far no news has come back.

Du Yunniang lowered her eyes and gently caressed her abdomen, looking in a trance.

Willow catkins looked down, the corners of her mouth couldn't help showing joy.

"The madam's belly is not yet pregnant, the servants have heard that you should be very careful in the first three months. The madam has been busy with the southward migration in the past few days, so it is better to pay more attention. I hope this child will be a brother, so the madam position in the Hou Mansion can also be more stable."

Du Yunniang did not speak, but her eyes became softer as she looked at her abdomen.

It happened that Xu Chengting walked in at this time, and when he saw Du Yunniang's motherly soft face, he couldn't help jumping in his heart. Looking at her belly along the line of sight, thinking that there was a child born to him, became a father again, the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

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