Untitled Part 61

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The waves were rolling, and the white waves kept beating on the boat, and the foam that was surging all the way was fleeting in the azure sea.

When they docked, the two wooden boards were put down, and the people on the boat descended one after another. The thin board of the boat kept shaking and shaking.

Lou Zhao picked up the little man beside him and walked to the beach along the longboard that he put down.

In addition to the boat they were on, many other fishing boats were docked on the shore. There are large and small, tall masts, raised sails, and wide and long oars.

Not far away is a fish market mouth. The fishermen and hawkers who depend on the sea for a living have already harvested baskets after baskets of their own harvests. It was placed in a conspicuous place in front of the stall, waiting for the ships that came to collect the sea cargo.

This is Shanhai Island.

According to Liu Da, it was here that he was stung by that strange fish that suddenly appeared.

"Where are we going to find that fish?" Sitting on Lou Zhao's arm, she looked at the sea passengers who came and went straight to the fish market, and said, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Let's look along the beach first, maybe we're lucky and we'll meet right away." Lou Zhao said softly.

When they came, they also inquired with people on the boat, and no one said that they had seen that kind of strange fish.

Leaving the bustling and noisy coast, Lou Zhao walked along the beach with PeiPei in his arms.

"Are you tired from sitting, do you want to come down and walk for a while?" Lou Zhao turned his head and smiled gently at the little guy.

With big round black eyes, Peipei said innocently and cutely,

"I'm not tired, how can I be tired when I sit down?" want her to walk down and think about it, but it's impossible.

"Are you tired of holding me? I said, usually have to eat a few more bowls of rice so now have the strength to eat enough."

Although she kept her mouth small and kept comforting, but she didn't want to come down at all. willingness to walk.

Lou Zhao looked at the little guy in his arms and smiled softly. It's really a vengeance, let's continue to hold it until the villain calms down.

The sea breeze is blowing, the sun is just right, and the light hits the sand, refracted on the gravel and glittering.

There is a small fishing village not far ahead.

The gray-haired old man was dragging a tattered fish basket slowly towards the house. The rickety figure could not hide the frustration and vicissitudes of life.

The old fisherman walked slowly and heavily, with an empty, broken fish basket in his hand and a gloomy look on his brows.

I don't know what I'm worried about, I didn't pay attention to my feet, stumbled and tripped over the rope tied to the fish basket. Maybe it was because of old age and frailty, and I couldn't stand up for a while.

"Old man, how are you?" Seeing the old man sitting on the ground from a distance, Lou Zhao quickly stepped forward to ask, put down the little doll he was holding and helped the old fisherman to get up slowly.

PeiPei also stood aside obediently, holding the burden for Lou Zhao.

"Thank you, kind son." The old fisherman stood up slowly with the strength in Lou Zhao's hand, and his body was a little unstable.

Seeing this, Lou Zhao said warmly, "Old man, where is your home, let's take you back." 

The old fisherman's home was in the small fishing village in front of him. Lou Zhao lifted the fish basket with one hand and supported the old man with the other to slowly move forward. go. The little doll followed behind them with a burden.

Around the shoal, not long after walking, I saw white smoke rising up.

This is a small fishing village that lives by the sea.

Almost every household has a large fishing net hanging in front of their house, and they go out to sea to fish for a living. After years of exposure to the sun and the sea breeze, the faces and complexions of the people in the village are mostly dark and reddish.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?" The young man in the gray patch coat saw the old fisherman being supported by a stranger, and hurriedly put down the pole in his hand and rushed up.

"It's not a big deal, I just accidentally fell on the way back." The old fisherman smiled wryly at the young man. Then he turned his head again and said gratefully,

"Thanks to this kind-hearted son for sending me back, I have to thank him."

Yu San helped the old man from Lou Zhao's hand, "Thank you very much for this benefactor, please quickly. Sitting at home"

Sitting on a wooden stool, accompany and look at this simple small house built of stones.

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