Part 139

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After Pei Yan determined to be with Xue Lingling, Li Yuanzhi also stopped his credit card many times. But every time, facing his son's unbelievable and distressed appearance, Li Yuanzhi couldn't bear it, and took a step back.

With the first compromise, there will be a second, third...

Pei Yan, who knows his mother, acts more recklessly and does whatever he wants.

The circle of the upper class is so large and there are many partners who have cooperated with each other in business. If something happened to the family, it is really shameful to be exaggerated by the media. The action has attracted the media paparazzi's pursuit of reports.

If the two are really unswerving in true love, they can still be looked at by others, but there is still a third person in the middle who is entangled. What kind of peach-colored lace news about the rich and powerful son stepping on two boats, embracing his first love and now enjoying the blessings of everyone...

The dog blood series that happened in the rich and powerful family has attracted the attention of the public more and more.

Now that Pei Yan's incident has seriously affected the company's image, Pei Jiming also took advantage of the situation and tried every means to put his illegitimate son into the company.

She dares to love her son alone!

Also, Pei Jiming does not lack Pei Yan as a son. For him, without this, there are other more obedient ones.

Therefore, Pei Yan was more indulgent.

Li Yuanzhi saw his son in the gossip magazines and tabloids every three days. Li Yuanzhi didn't think it was a light-hearted thing. Especially in the face of the company's partners and the meaningful gazes of various ladies and gentlemen.

Everyone was happy on the face, but those contemptuous eyes in private made Li Yuanzhi feel like she was sitting on pins and needles, losing all face.

Now, when Li Yuanzhi heard about Pei Yan and the two women beside him, Li Yuanzhi had a headache.

I really get angrier the more I think about it.

Li Yuanzhi got up, walked into the dressing room, and changed out her evening dress.

At this time, the mobile phone on the dresser was constantly flashing, showing an unfamiliar incoming call.


"I'll go out for a while." 

The man glanced at his phone, even though the food on the table didn't move, he got up and left.


The woman finally couldn't bear it anymore, and called out to the man who was about to leave. Pei Yan stopped, turned his head and looked at the person in front of him, wondering: 

"Lingling, don't be like this, I really have something to do this time."

"Today is my birthday," Xue Lingling's eyes began to burst into tears and choked: "Didn't you already agree, you will stay with me for my birthday?"

Since morning, she has been busy shopping and cooking, preparing to cook by herself and celebrate with him. this special day. However, after she was busy for so long, he was ready to leave before picked up the chopsticks.

It's like this again...

In the past two years, she has always watched Tan Rujing call him away with various excuses and reasons.

"Lingling...I..." Pei Yan remembered what he had promised yesterday, and a sense of guilt surged into his heart instantly. Seeing the woman in front of her who was about to cry, Pei Yan's footsteps were as heavy as a thousand pounds, unable to move a single step.

Just as he was about to say no, the phone in his hand rang.

Looking at the caller ID, Pei Yan subconsciously raised his head and glanced at Xue Lingling, hesitated for a long time, and finally answered.


A woman's anxious and flustered voice came from the phone, "Come here quickly, Haohao refuses to eat and keeps crying, I'm so worried..."

Listening to the phone The boy's heart-wrenching cries caused Pei Yan's expression to change, and hurriedly said, "I'll be right there!"

After hanging up the phone, he was about to turn around and walk out. When he came to the door, he remembered something, turned his head and saw woman in tears.

"Lingling, Rujing called and said that Haohao was crying non-stop, you know, she is alone with the child, I have to rush over to help..."

Xue Lingling resisted the pain in her heart and raised her hand to wipe dry the tears on the corners of her eyes, and a gentle and considerate smile emerged from the corners of her mouth: 

"Go quickly, don't worry about me, the child is the most important..."

"I will be back soon." After leaving such a sentence, the man did not turn his head. gone.

Only the woman was left alone and dejected.

After a long time, Xue Lingling slowly turned around. Looking at the untouched meal on the table, she walked over, picked up the plate, and emptied them all into the kitchen trash can.

She knew that he would not come back today.

He said this to her every time he left; but every time, he never came back.

Dark night, silent apartment.

The white gauze of the curtains on the balcony danced gently in the wind. The woman sat alone on the sofa, watching the clock hanging on the wall, minute by minute.

Finally, it's zero o'clock.

It's over today.

She turned her head and glanced at the empty doorway.

The man didn't rush back as he promised.

A bitter smile appeared on the woman's face. What are you still looking forward to? Didn't she already know it? 

Mingming knew early in the morning that he would not come back. Why every time, I still have to wait for him all night with the faint hope in my heart.

Finally, the grievances and sadness in Xue Lingling's heart emerged one by one in the night that no one knew about. Xue Lingling understood that Pei Yan and Tan Rujing could never be separated. 

That woman's place in his heart is special and no one can replace it.

In particular, now there is a child between the two.

Xue Lingling covered her face and cried silently. Two years ago, when she learned that Tan Rujing was pregnant with Pei Yan's child, she broke down.

I cried, made trouble, and broke up.

When she made up her mind to leave Pei Yan, he just chased after her. After lingering for a long time, she still couldn't let go of this man. Pei Yan assured her that it was just an accident between him and Tan Rujing, now there is only responsibility left between the two.

No matter how sad she was in her heart, she finally chose to believe his words.

But just when she decided to give birth to the child in her womb and be with Pei Yan, a car accident not only cost her the five-month-old child in her womb, but also lost her chance to be a mother forever.

This is the second time she has lost her own child...

Why is fate so cruel to her.

Those days were hard, thanks to Pei Yan for watching over her and comforting her. He told her that he didn't care whether he had children or not, the person he loved most was her.

She believed again.

However, when Tan Rujing gave birth to a child for him, everything changed.

Tan Rujing always used the child as an excuse to let Pei Yan stay by her side. With children as a bond, Pei Yan always chooses to leave her behind and rush to Tan Rujing's mother and son as soon as possible.

Watching their family of three go to the hospital, to the restaurant, to the amusement park... 

Sometimes, it made her feel like she was the extra one between them.

However, things are clearly not like this. Pei Yan said that the person he finally chose to spend his life with was her?

He said that he was only responsible for Tan Rujing's mother and son, and she was his wife...


"Everything you said on the phone was true!"

It was the first time that the assistant who had been with Li Yuanzhi for many years saw his boss look so rude.

However, Li Yuanzhi, who has always been self-contained, looked at the police comrade in front of her, and at this time, she could not care about the problem of gaffe.

She looked complicated, wanted to cry and laugh. Some people in disbelief asked the people in front of them again:

"You said, have you found my son's whereabouts?"

Officer Zhou has seen many parents who have found their lost children, and is accustomed to Li Yuanzhi's behavior at the moment. He said softly,

"Yes, we found your son."

QT : Gu Zao Wen Cubs Quit !Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt