Part 4

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"So he actually sent you a boyfriend, what-the-fucking-fuck, that's crazy." Felicia couldn't' even touch her food while I on the other hand sat stuffing my face with bread.

She went on about it while inside I was surrounding myself with plans, plans that involved avoiding any contact with that ice prick of a man; a man who without warning planted himself in an inn, not even half way across town. The farther the better. Go back home, E.T!

"He said this was what his father wanted, this was his wish." Felicia nodded at every word I said then I spat out my bread, startling her. "WHO WISHES THAT ON SOMEONE? Why me?"

She snorted. I shot the dirtiest look I could fabricate, but it didn't faze her.

"What, you don't know why? Because you deny yourself chances, you run away from them, and now Kurt is giving you, wait, no, no- my bad, PLACING a chance right in front of you so you can see that dating isn't so bad. I say go for it, and a big high-five to Kurt for having the balls to do this for you. Besides, he wouldn't send someone horrible for you." Finishing, she finally took in some pasta, then chuckled out, "why the hell didn't I think about doing that?"

"You remembered his name." I smiled while her eyes rolled to the wall.

"Whatever, but seriously, it's not like he would send you a 'bad guy', Kurt wants you to enjoy the experience. Think of it as a field trip; just some fun. Once it's over, it's something to prepare you for the real deal."

"Yeah, he's like that. Though, it's just so sudden."

"Just don't fall in love." She said. I blushed as Felicia looked me dead in the eyes. "I'm serious, you're going to spend a lot of time together, one month, one month with one guy. Things can happen."

"Feelings." I nodded with my eyes full of concern.


"O-oh my God, Lili. As if I'd would sleep with him."

"Well, what if he enchants you with his accent, or foreign, sculpted features?"


"Mom called me."

"...I'm not even going to say anything about her AT THE MOMENT since I was close to ringing her neck after he left. I-I, argghh, I just don't know if I can handle him - this, handle this little experience." Things were flying across my head, ideas about how to escape.

My eyes froze at the jello. I wondered if someone could make me love them, or I make them fall for me in a month. Mathew was here to spend time with me as if he were my special one, all to help open myself to the future; really for the sake of Kurt.

Mathew said it himself, he was doing this childish-hopeless romantic drama for his father. If he was willing to do it, then I had no choice but to join in the play. The way I saw it, this wasn't for me; I was doing it for Kurt. It was his last wish after all.

"You know, it'd be funny if he ends up falling for you. Now that'd be exciting." Her eyes twinkled as she lowered her head, " imagine that."

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