Part 16

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The girls ran out once he parked the car, then waved goodbye before going inside the house. We both sat in silence for a few seconds before he turned to face me.

"You are a devil, Ms. Kett."

"Does it hurt that bad?" I asked while giving him a nervous, little smile.

"I can hear my skin cells sizzling still."

"Well, you were pretty pale whe-"

"Why did you do it?"

He threw me off my train of thought once he asked that. I wasn't expecting it at all, well, not this soon. My first instinct was to burst into an ocean of pink, and sweat tears, but I squeezed my index finger till the anxiety passed. Now, I simply had to control my tongue from breaking into a blabbering fool.

"Are you speaking about-," I looked up to the rearview mirror before facing him, " -uhm, me hiding in the restroom or the reason you're shedding skin all over the place?"


Damn it.

I didn't mind telling him about asking the girls to help me ruin the day for him, but I absolutely felt a bit of panic, and embarrassment picturing myself saying that he was starting to make me get tingly in places that shouldn't!

"I simply asked them to make sure you don't touch me." I looked at his sun burn, and scrunched up my nose, "They kind of took it too far, I admit."

Sighing, Mathew tapped the steering wheel before shaking his head. What could he be thinking?

Then, he started laughing.

"What?!" I asked in disbelieve.

"I feel like perhaps I am a bit over my head, for the first time, actually."

"Oh, uhm, what are you going to do then?"

He stopped laughing, and kept a grin on even though his eyes were dead serious. "Clearly you're not a one-man job."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I squinted my eyes while crossing my arms. He was starting to piss me off again.

"Why should I be the only one tortured by you? Now, please go inside. Goodbye, Ms. Kett, and burn something else. Your dinner perhaps." he pulled out his phone, then ignored my shocked face. How dare he think he was the only one going through some crap this whole time!

Something in me stopped seeing him as this dreamboat guy that I was afraid to touch, and turned him into a brat I'd smack upside the head, so I pressed my finger into his burnt shoulder. Mathew flinched, and something in his eyes washed away his previews feelings.

"By the end of the month I will burn you inside and out, Mis-ter Wall-is!" I jab harder as I pronounce his name.

"Do try, silly girl."

He did that thing that melted girls in seconds; he smiled, looked down, stuck his tongue to his cheek.

Quickly I grab my stuff and march through the lawn while he disappears around the corner. Secretly I was hoping to learn a thing or two through this entire experience, but now it had turned into who can make whose month the most miserable.

Oh, let the games begin! Cue death metal music!

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