Part 46

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Peter lead me through the dance floor then up the stairs to the pool tables and bar. Honestly hadn't thought I would set foot in another bar --club...whatever this place was. I turned to see a girl getting her neck licked by a man as they plastered each other below the railings. Oh, gahd. Goose bumps trailed along my skin as Peter whisked me away.

"Not a pretty sight, I know, but my brothers requested a drink with you...heh, to celebrate the time we've all been with you. The month is practiaclly over this week," he says while I cling to his jacket to stay away from the dozen of people crowding the stairs.

The higher we climb the more I see the back of Mathew's head. Jack was the first one to see me, and he made it known.

"Ha, so Peter did managed to find the bloody girl!" Getting up from his seat, he almost knocked over Mathew's motionless body. If he was mad at me, okay, I would understand, but he'd at least be thankful I even showed up! My arms want to choke him but Jack's body smashes into my chest as he swiftly picks me up.

"Arrr, okay, okay, put me down!"

"I miss you, love!"

Dropping me on a chair right between Peter and himself, the damn idiot had me seated facing Mathew. He looked like he either wanted to eat me or kiss me, it was hard to tall in this lighting.

Am I going to have to say something first? I part my lips to weasel out a 'hello, you incredibly confusing man', but surprisingly he spoke first.

"How was the date?"

Shit. Bobbing my head I look up as if trying to recall the so-called fabulous date with Dale.

"Ehm, was..." I look to Peter. You get your ass in this conversation and help me!

Peter on the other hand clearly wasn't a mind reader, nor could see the distress in my eyes. The bubbly boy was somewhere off in the clouds as I was stranded on Earth with only Mathew's piercing eyes.

"How about another pitch?" Jack popped in while signaling the bartender for a set of lord-knows-what.

Quickly I jolted up, and banged the table. "Y-yes, let's have a-ah, a pitching drink-thing."

God, I don't know what I'm saying.

Mathew already catching on lowers his lids and raises a brow. "You do not drink, Miss Kett."

You? Calling me Miss Kett? I wonder when he had started calling me that again then snap out of it once a woman brings more ice, and pitchers. Peter generously gives me his glass saying he had enough for one night.

The cold beer slides down my throat as I gasp for air. "God, it's like bad soda." My face sours up as I stick my tongue to the side. "Gah, ew."

Jack had Mathew drink a glass as I tried my best to avoid eye contact. There was no way I needed them to know of what I had told Peter. Jack was well, something.

My eyes slide over to his manly chest, and broad arms. He'd probably choke the living daylights out of Dale. And Mathew, oh, he...well I wasn't sure what he'd do, but I didn't want to find out.

Peter took out hs phone, and quickly Jack rolled his eyes. "Is it Satan again?"

Pouting a small smile while raising his chin, Peter shakes his head. "I'll have you know I have finally put my foot down and used my voice. Jean learned to shut up and listen to me for once."

Whistling, Jack leans in with a smile. I could tell he was enjoying this. "Oh, did you finally tell her she makes your life shit?"

"Jack," both Mathew, and I warned. We made eye contact but again I broke it off.

Peter, and Jack went at it, which added to the air some delight. Peter was enjoying the fact that he wasn't afraid to speak up anymore, and Jack was happy to have someone other than Mathew to argue with.

Boys. I roll my eyes as I laugh. It caught their attention, and as I finished laughing I cocked my head up to see all their shimmering eyes glowing with the laser effects and looking at me.

I turned to Peter and had my eyes slide through the rest of the guys. "What?"

"It's good to have you around again," Jack said while placing a hand on my shoulder. "Though, I do wonder what has kept you from us, love."

"N-nothing, I was just busy."

Sulking in my room like a disgusting sushi roll.

I knew Mathew was smarter than to brush off my tone. Resting his back to the chair, he looked back and forth between my mouth, and eyes. "You do not want us near anymore, hmm?"

Whoa, what's his problem? I cross my brows as I face him. Boy, you know not of the freaking little hell I was put through! I had a mini-death, and saw busy attending my heart's funeral!

Calming down before I said something I didn't mean, I crossed my arms and remembered what I wanted to tell them. "It isn't that...but maybe you should all cut your trip short. I-I got this." Biting my lip I try to shoo away Dale's words. Faking a smile I tilt my head, "I think I can go on plenty of dates now."

Dates with fictional characters only.

Mathew's face seemed to tighten as I spoke, and I wondered why his eyes were glossy and soft. He couldn't possibly be sad. Does he even carry that emotion?

Asking if it had anything to do with Dale, Jack shakes me a bit. Weakly laughing I lie saying it wasn't him at all, and as if the night was going great, Mathew comes in and makes it worse. Those damn dark eyes of his make a turn to the defenseless castle. "Peter," he says while ice rolled off his tongue.

At the mention of his name both Peter, and I look at each other. Bad idea because now Mathew, and Jack knew that there definitley something we weren't telling.

"I, uh, well..." Peter's eyes rapidly ran from mine to his brothers. I wanted to shake him, begging for him to NOT use his voice right now.

Don't you fail me, boy! Run, run, run!

"I-I am going to go use the-" Quickly he stood up, and mid-sentence he turns to smack right into a guy holding a beer.

"What the fuck?!" The guy says as Peter apologizes. Once I turn my butt around to see the scene, Dale's eyes dart from Peter's to mine.

Oh, no-fucking-way, WHY?!!!

.................................................................'s going to get ugly. Everyone, breathe. Breathe and stay calm! Stay calm! Argh! I am typing too fast!

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