Part 28 (Mathew's POV)

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"She's the most blessed female to have three escorts, yet she can't answer her foresaken phone to talk to one?!" I growl while hearing the answer machine once more. Peter was not going to do anything ludicroius, yet something in me badly needed to know where they were and what they were doing. Jack had trailed off into his own room long ago, leaving me to bicker about nonsense with myself -just the way I liked it.

Isn't this my bloody rest day? I asked myself while clutching the phone. Quickly I set it back down, and hang up. I always was one to plan everything out, and stick to my schedual, so it was quite clear that yes, I was being a nosey, old wart. Telling myself to let it go, and focus on my work, it had to be easier said than done. Throughout the entire first twenty minutes I spent it on my feet with my arms crossed.

"I have to get to work." I sighed out finally giving up on the silly fit I was mentally having.

Being a literary agent had its up and downs, yet I was thankful it was something I could do anywhere, whether it was at home, or miles away dealing with personal family business. As I cleared away the clutter from one of the authors I represented, little squeaks and giggles ringed through the air. Ignoring them, I continued to type away at a letter that was to be sent off to one of the publishing companies the author had requested a contract with.

"Ha, ha, not at all!" A voice made its way through the walls.

"Peter?" I asked as I set the laptop aside. He wasn't supposed to be here, let alone this early. His room was next door, and Jack's across the hall, so we all couldn't avoid each other even if we wanted to, we could all could hear everything through these thin walls. Turning the knob that led next door, I barged in, then stood frozen staring at two sets of brown eyes.

"What in bloody hell are you doing," it wasn't a question, which at the moment I had a handful, a damn fistful of question...but instead my voice trailed off as orders and commands. Peter quickly sat straight in the bed while Lania crossed her arms. Peachy, she was still upset.

"Just watching a movie. It --just a lesson, I suppose." He said as he smiled nervously to Lania. She, on the other hand, held a tasteful scowl, and had her chocolate hair sizzle with the anger she had boiling inside.

"A movie?"

"Yes, having a pleasent day just being together -ah, a couple thing."

Bless your heart, brother. I roll my eyes to Lania's. Somehow, I wanted to hear her voice, even a shriek of curses would do it for me. Wondering why, I assumed it was just to amuse me or irritate her break day.

"Having a pleasent day then?" I ask.

She takes a deep breath, getting ready to tell me how annoying and snotty I must be, or something along those lines, but Peter gently raises his hand, placing it on her shoulder. Not a single day together, and he had managed to have her not give a single flinch to his touch.

My, my, either he's good, or she's doing it to scorn me.

Lania blew the air out her small 'o' shaped lips, then sucked at her cheek.

"It's the best date thus far." She replied with a softer tone, yet those eyes of hers were stones, and were being thrown at me hard.

They both say with their legs crossed on the bed, a few inches from the other, but as I stepped closer, Peter slowly slid behind her, and Lania tightened her fists.

Who is the dominate one here?

"I will be seeing you tomorrow." I say while lazily eyeing her features. Peter's brow shot up. He knew tomorrow it was Jack's turn, but right now I didn't give one cursed shit about who would be spending time with who, and scheduled out on whatever day. No, tomorrow, this silly girl is mine.

Squinting her eyes, she replies, "can't wait, Wallis."

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