Part 31 (Mathew's POV)

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To be perfectly honest with myself, with no one else to hear -thank the gods- yes, Lania certain lights --like when the afternoon sun grazed her eyes just right...considered quite a lovely young lady to set eyes on, if even that.

That is till she opens her mouth. Then again, I might find her attractive even as she fights back. This day has turned out to be hell even for myself. How can one annoy the student if the student has mastered the name calling within minutes? Finding the strength to look away from the large restaurant windows, Lania pokes fun at the entire lesson.

"Oh, come on, Custard Pie, why do you appear ill?" She puckered her face like a duckling. "Is the sweetness killing you?"

Suppressing the feeling of badly wanting to wipe that grin of hers away with a kiss, I raise a brow. Rather than give in to her childish attempts to mock me, I go in for an attack. She wouldn't even see it coming. "Ah, not at all, in fact, I think your pretty eyes are begining to have some sort of spell on me. They're beautiful."

With a smirk, I rest my head on my hand, and watch her eyes pop to the unexpected words I slipped off my lips.

"Y-you, ha, no,," she couldn't find a thing to say, and I found it pleasing to know she still had a lot to learn.

"Let's stop with the nicknames, and focus on actual compliments." I say as she straightens in her chair. The waitress brings our food, then sets the plates down as Lania avoids making any eye contact.

You know I rather have you look at me. Always.

She's probably trying to control her face from turning into another cherry. We can't have that, now can we. I slide my hand over hers. Quickly she shoots me looks that could kill men, luckily, I am no ordinary man.

"Will that be all?" The waitress asks. Lania is about to raise her hand like a school girl to dismiss herself, but I cut in making sure to the woman that we weren't interrupted.

"My love, and I would like a bit of privacy. I am sure you understand."

Lania sure wasn't pleased, and whatever graps she had on the color red, she lost it. It was now all over her face. The woman giggled then walked away, wishing Lania luck.

"What was that about?" Lania asked through her teeth.

"Couples talk about one another, all sorts of babble to people outside the realtionship, really, and it will happen often," I answered then rolled my eyes when she took her hand back. Shaking a little fist at me she then decided to take deep breathes to calm down, whispering something about me being right.

You're finally seeing that, of course I am always right, love.

"Fine, I'll give you that, my sister, and her husband do it all the time," she finally admitted while stirring her soup. "It's a bit like showing off your partner."

"It's letting others know what your heart is saying," I corrected. My voice soften more than intended.

Lania scoffed, and for the first time, I felt a sudden spike to my chest. I had said the most honest answer I could have given; it had been from my pathetic heart itself, and she had dismissed it as a joke. As I recovered from whatever it was I was feeling, Lania quickly became interested in a glass of water. I wanted her to hear actual compliments about her, yet I refused to add anymore emotion to what I say.

"Your smile appears adorable when you are nervous." I bluntly said.

"What?" She lifts her head, and tilts it at an angle that made those chocolate drops on her face shimmer accidently.

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