Part 25

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"You will lead me right to that bastard, Peter!" I keep my hold on his sleeve, and drag him along into the cozy, little inn where Mathew was staying at -and now with the rest of the Wallis brothers!

Peter mumbled about how he was going to get in trouble, and how I was going to be in even more trouble if I barged in Mathew's room without notice.

"Ah-ha, as if he doesn't show up whenever he wants!" I tugged harder. At this moment, yes, it did feel awkward NOT being awkward with a man, but I knew Peter -well, in my own way, I knew how he was. Peter Wallis was the softy, and if I remembered anything from Kurt, I knew I could easily treat Peter as a little brother, though him being about two years older.

I turned around to see his soft eyes poking right back at mine. He did resemble Mathew, but only a little; they both shared the same sharp nose, and outlined jaw. Even with that, you would still figure out Peter was the youngest one due to his baby face. Peter's hair was an ash brown, while Mathew had a lighter shade, and though they were both towering over six feet, Peter slouched down to always hear what my short butt had to say.

Yep, he's the polite one.

"Which room is it?"

"Miss Kett, I tol- I cannot tell you or he will be upset!"

Looking around the halls I managed to catch a scent; Mathew's cologne. Now, well, even that surprised me. When did I even know he had a certain smell around him? It must be all the bull that comes out his mouth.

I knew I was close to his room because Peter was becoming more and more uneasy.

"Miss Kett, Lania, please, I was supposed to be with you today, only I."

"Oh, so now I am being tossed around?" I quietly hissed to myself before finally finding hell's door.

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