Part 54 (The Letter)

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My Dearest Lania,

I hope you received my little gift with open arms. Yes, it must have been tough for you, but I know you had to have learned something! Throughout the years I had been aware of my health, it was fading. Yet I was well off with closing my eyes forever and leaving, but the moment I met you, I said to myself, "how can I leave this foolish girl believing being locked in a tower is the safest way to live?" Lania, love is never safe. Anything wonderful and exciting is never safe, it'll scrape your skin, and break your shells after another, but it's all to get to the person inside of you OUT.

Now, you take this letter, and read it aloud. I want your bloody ears to hear it, your brain to not only capture each word, but to capture the sound of every word so it can be imprinted in your head, dear. You will never love anyone better than you love yourself. Love yourself. Who will love you more than that? No one. But you can find someone who is just as close to your heart than you. When two people meet it's wonderful. I am not speaking about meeting for the first time, or seeing each other like love of the sight. No, I am referring to when two lovely hearts meet. It's such a beautiful thing that it can be a simple seed of friendship.

My dear, this friendship has been pure love. I love you, do know that. You are the dearest friend I have made through the ending of my time. An old man, dead to the bone, giving you the last bit of words down on paper for you...darling, you better listen: Please, please, open your arms out, and clasp your arms around the honest love you see running to you. Don't be afraid, not when your head, and heart both are agreeing with you to do it.

I would gladly write you letters to last you a lifetime, but I cannot. Please know I am honored to have met such a soul as yours. My wife would have loved you. I will only freely state to you that I am happy to see her soon. I am happy for death. I am happy for an end, for I have had the greatest story. It deserves to end with your love to another. That is my wish to you. Go and love.

Your dearest friend, Kurt Wallis.


Ah, also, I would love to at least see you at least once.

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