Part 50 (Mathew's POV)

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I threw my belongings to the bed as I paced the room once more. Lania, Lania, bloody lips she had! I could not get her out of my head.

Should I had done it?  I question the kiss I had given her so passionately during the ride after the nonsense from the bar. Had wanted nothing more than for her to be mine in that moment, and so my arms did just that and made her mine when she pulled me in. Her shaky breath ended as I took her mouth away from whatever useless protest she was about to give.

She never did verbally answer my question, but somehow I knew it was my name and lips that she had wanted on her lips. I had wanted her to mutter even that silly nickname she had given me.

Looking at my open luggage, I shake my thoughts away.

No, I cannot think about her when my plane was to leave in two bloody days.

My heart didn't know if it should pump blood to my feet or head. Just as I sighed out, Jack's delinquency never failed to surprise me as he barged in after picking my lock. Peter's face comes into view just behind, knitted brows with an ice pack over his eye.

Groaning, I close my eyes, and place a hand to my forehead as I lift my head to the heavens. "I am in no mood to deal with any of you today. My head is awfully in need of a holiday as well."

"Ah, and as if we do not know why," Jack replies while dropping a screwdriver on the bed. He stands, and levels his gaze to me while I peek open, interested in what he had meant.

"Why what?" I asked then quickly changed my direction to Peter. The lad didn't even yelp as the usual response whenever we shot a look at him. Impressed, I cocked a brow. Perhaps that hit did knock something into your balls, Baby Boy.

"You...we believe you do care quite a lot --more than us, about Lania."

My eyes narrowed to Peter's stumbling sentence. As much as it upset me that he was right, it was rather annoying to have them actually both know it. Turning to Jack, he shrugs off a smile, then grins right back at me.

Picking up my feet, I walk away muttering how I did not have time for this silly discussion about matters that did not mean anything to me other than being a task. "...the task is completed now. We can go home."

Grabbing my arm, Jack furrows his thick brows while I sneer back. Peter places a hand on me as if mother had taken over his body, then gives me that twinkling gaze to calm down. "Mathew, why must you always try and evade your emotions?"

Father said the same thing.

Suppressing my scorn, I roll my eyes away to the window. "I am not. I just simply do not have energy for this time-wasting chat about my inner workings. I can handle it alone."

"That is the thing, little brother, you do not need to," Jack replied.

Peter sighed out, and spoke. "You did it when Mum passed away, and when father became are doing it even now with what you feel with Lania."

I need to get out of here.

My chest wanted to swell and pump out words that no one should hear. Snatching my arm back, Jack let's go and stands still as I fume my emotions through my breath. "You both need to go find some entertainment elsewhere."

"Honestly, brother, it's time you showed your bloody feeling, you blasted stone prick." Jack scoffed, then continued. "We know you like her, might as well admit that to us, you brash, ill-mannered icicle."

Charming to always see you have gotten creative with your name calling.

"You do also," I quickly reply before even having thought through what I wished to truly say. Blinking back, I realize just how much of a child I was behaving like.

Laughing, Jack uses the accusation I made to attack me. "Oh, of course we do, yet I am sure if we all felt the same thing you did for her, than well...we would be having quite the quarrel right about now."

I would win either way. I wished to mutter out, but refused to give into his little game. Sighing in frustration, I escape the uncomfortable cage they were trying to build around me.

Jack kept picking at it without rest as Peter's voice trailed off with saying the Mum would use on us. It all seemed to pile up, and create some sort of hammer that knocked my wits out, and finally had me lose my control over my throat.

"There is no point in admitting anything! We are leaving, and our job is done," my breath becomes loose as I shut my eyes to fight the urge from going on into a whole rant about my emotions. "Face the facts, bothers, I am not meant for her as she is not meant for me."

"H-how could you honestly believe that?" Peter drops his ice pack. "She is --if anything-- the one female who has caused such a storm in you!"

"Storms pass." Lania. Why did it have to be this American girl that has to be the one to have my mind run in circles for her? I try and question it all. Could it be that being a teacher to her half-innocent, half-demented, beautiful spirit that excited me into almost adoring her? Was it just that she matched my humor, and wit that I couldn't help myself but want her?

My mind creates trails that all lead to her name, and quickly I wipe away the scene with a grunt, and sharp exhale. "It would help if you all go get your things ready, and say your farewells. We a few days."

"What a grand idea to let her go. She might even fall for another idiot," Jack mutters under his breath. "Though, I believe she already has."

"She is too smart for that," I reply before leaving.

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