Part 51

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As I wrap my hair up trying to sing along to the radio, my mother pries open my door, and hisses like the witch she is.

"Lani, your men are here!"

"What?" I spin back, and smack my shoulder to the window. Peter's car is parked out front. Whispering to myself, I wonder why they all would come. "Are we all going to hang out till they leave?"

Till they leave. It repeats in my mind, and echo's down to my stomach. I didn't like it.

Rushing down to the door, I take a moment to catch up to my breath, and relax. I wanted to hug them all. They were something essential in my life, and have nested inside me as family...well, all but one.

Opening the door, I knit my brows realizing Mathew was not with them.

As if Jack could read my face, he gives a sympathetic smile, and rocks in his shoes. Leaning towards me, he says, "Our Princess is a bit tired, he'll wake up soon, I am sure of it."

"Oh." The way it came out wasn't at all how it was planned in my head. I wanted to let it slide, but my throat had used a tone far too soft, and discouraged. Swallowing my thoughts, I focused on the two twinkled-eyed gentlemen in front of me. Grinning, I touch Peter's discolored eye. "It's healing pretty good."

"Slowly, yet for now I am a pirate," he replied with a blush.

Smirking, I cock a brow then change my gaze to Jack. "What brings you guys here?"

Slanting his eyes, he pats my shoulder. "Why do you always ask? It's always you, love."

"I just thought it was to say good-bye or something..."

"Not yet." Jack wrapped his arm around my neck, and swayed me into his chest. Closing my eyes, I smiled. The warmth that came with a hug was unlike any other.

As I enjoyed being pulverized, my phone started to ring. Quickly answering, Felicia's voice violated my ear. "Lani, you better not back out! I actually baked this time!"

"Oh, right...lunch. I, uhm." I look up to my guests. "I have a few visitors right now."

Both men stare at me wondering what in hell all the shouting coming from the other end was for. I mouth that it was my little sister, and they look at one another as if already knowing she was the feisty one. Hanging up, I sigh out how crazy she can be about her cooking --or lack thereof.

"How strong is your stomach?" I ask them. Jack tilts his chin, and grins while Peter's hands graze his own belly. "I was on my way to my sister's She has invited you, too."

"I could eat a cow raw," Jack quickly commented. Raising my brows with a smile, I mention that was wonderful news.

Because whatever she cooks is either alive, or a pile of ashes.

Both sat on each side of me while Hank, and Felicia were across. Lulu, the little flirt, was sitting next to Jack.

With Jack's charm, and talkative ways, the meeting was going great. Hank, and him were a lot alike, and their roaring laughter had the rest of us watch in eerie fascination as they cheered, and arm-wrestled on the kitchen table; they were twins to the very spirit. Lulu didn't even know who was her true father at this point. She giggled while rubbing her thick cheeks in the bottom of her bowl.

Laughing, Felicia spoke to Peter, and grew interested in my progress.

"You really changed, Lani. I don't think I've ever seen you this close to men."

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