.Thank You.

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Thank you all for reading this. It was my first attempt at a love piece though it had taken me a while to finish. I didn't want to rush through it because a lot of what I placed in this story was influenced by personal moments in my life. No, I was not as lucky as Lania to have three little helpers show up, but I did have an amazing pen pal who sadly isn't writing any longer. His name was Kurt Wallis, and the smartest man I had had the pleasure to talk to about my personal troubles. Because of him I would day dream of what it would be like if he had pushed me a little bit more into peeling away shell after shell.

Take a moment to thank that old fart for existing. (He had quite the sense of humor) I personally want to say that he was the biggest influence when it came to this story.

Now, let's congratulate the ships that have sailed along the way (even some that you personally shipped yourself in). Others may have sunk, or never even left the dock but I welcome them all.

I won't ask for you to share, like, or vote. Share it if you truly wish to have a friend read this if it seems like a story they'd be interested in. Vote if you feel like this deserves it. I wish the best to everyone out here writing stories of silly love, and romances. It can be tough writing about such a sticky sweet subject.

Lord knows it can be bitter sometimes.

Mr. WallisМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя